Saturday, October 14, 2006

Air America Files For Bankruptcy -

Air America Files For Bankruptcy -

Why has Air America failed? Some say it simply that liberals don't understand how to make money. But that can't be! It's backers are all very successful liberal businessmen. It is true that most liberals can't figure out how to make money, or they would not be the "party of the poor." Keeping the poor poor is very important to the liberal elites in their inherited mansions. However, it is proven that many liberals can make fortunes, so why not Air America?

I think it is because Air America is not very entertaining. I listed once for a day. I was either bored or outraged the whole time. I finally switched over to a classical music station and took a hot shower to relax me.

Liberals can be funny. Al Franken was a pretty good comedian, but his political jokes are not funny. Randi Rhodes tends to be very bitter and Jerry Springer is, well, Springer. I assume that some find him entertaining. These people all have one thing in common. They can find the worst about America and exploit it.

The successful talk radio personalities all seem to have something in common: the ability to find the greatness in people. Whether that greatness is America or elsewhere it does not matter. They will complain about bad things that some people have done, but it is the greatness that they like to talk about.

Limbaugh might have made his mark during the early Clinton administration, but he had already created a successful show years before. He did it by finding the great things in life to discuss. Did he attack Clinton? Yes. Clinton left himself open for attacks with his constant immoral and illegal activities. But Limbaugh also worked with the opposition and showed how the Republicans were doing things that were positive. It was his showcasing those positives that allowed many Americans to see things that were not in the newspapers or on the news shows. He created a revolution by doing this.

Air America was/is not creating anything positive. There was/is little or no discussion of the great things in life. Their message was/is one of disgust and anger. They vent their anger publicly over and over again. They seem to want to destroy and not to build something new. People do not want to hear that. Advertisers do not want to have their names associated with anger.

Maybe this bankruptcy will help them to recover. Maybe they will start to build a shiny new vision of the future instead of constantly venting about the one we live in. Maybe. I doubt it. Franken does not know how to build.

Has Air America even noticed that unemployment is considered to be so negligible that everyone who wants a job has one? Or that America has one of the best economies in decades? Or that, even with horrible overspending by the Republican congress, the deficit has been half paid off already? Three years ahead of schedule? These are positives. These could make the world a better place.

I think Air America had promise. It has been wasted. IF they can clean up and become a force for positive change instead of negativity they might be able to return someday. If.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

My world view

The world today is entering a period of suspicion and fear. The beginning of each new century seems to bring a period like this and it is hard to fight, we, as a world people, must endure it while suppressing it as much as possible.

Muslim terrorists are murdering anyone who disagrees with them in any way. Other Muslims are afraid to speak out against these murderers for fear of being next and also because they know what is written in the Koran. The worst part is that I think Islam has a lot going for it, if they could drop the parts that include murder, abuse, genocide and slavery. Lopping off the heads of murderers and the hands of thieves sounds like good practice, for instance.

Communists lost almost all credibility in the last century and are now working from within the systems of the West. They have been slowly forcing their insanity and version of "social justice" through the governments that they can control.

I fear that the weakened West no longer has the will to stand up to the terrorists. The Communists have been striving for years to emasculate the West and this is the chance for the forces of Islam to move in and take over.

President Bush has stopped fighting the good fight. He is afraid to send troops to anywhere anymore because of the Communists and their protests and accusations. This loss of nerve and backbone might be the death knell for American and Western values. Bush has barely even stood up to this 'study' released in the Lancet declaring massive casualties in Iraq. This same group of "researchers" released inflated figures right before the last US election and some of the senior staff are regulars on the Stop the War rally circuit. I wonder if there might be a political connection to these guys and the terrorists who are being killed? I am also forced to wonder why Bush has refused to defend himself in more than a token way? Has he somehow found a stash of drugs the Clinton administration forgot?

I strongly favor a military sweep through our cities and towns searching for illegal foreign trespassers, terrorists and druggies. Why military? Because I do not believe that the law enforcement agencies require heavy weapons and yet they are already out gunned. Marines who have already fought through truly dangerous places full of trained military guerrillas and terrorists will have no problems cracking the skulls of a bunch of gangbangers, thugs, mobsters, and terrorists trying to hide in a truly civilian population. Which means they do not have access to as many or as powerful weapons as they would if they were on their home turf. Here the forces of evil always have to wonder if they are dealing with someone from the FBI or DHS.

Enough for tonight. I will continue this thought again soon. Stay tuned!
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