What can I say that this article doesn't? If I was a Muslim and this included Mohammed, I would be out rioting and murdering. Since I am not, I will just condemn this act as disgusting and think about spitting upon the artists and committee members who sponsored or created this trash. If I ever meet them, I just might.
And they are not too brave. If they want cutting edge art, draw a picture of The Prophet of the Religion of Peace. Maybe when he consummated his marriage with a nine year old? Or when he cut off the hands and feet of hundreds or prisoners? Lots of fun times to choose from! Jesus bin Laden | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog: "More artists being “brave” in the usually cowardly way:
John Howard last night condemned two entries in the nation’s top religious art competition, labelling them “gratuitously offensive” to Christians.
A statue of the Virgin Mary shrouded by a Muslim burqa and a holographic image of terrorist Osama bin Laden that morphs into Jesus Christ submitted for the Blake Prize have drawn a furious response from politicians and church leaders.
Strange - I’d have thought a picture of Mohammed morphing into bin Laden would have been far more to the point, but I guess that would have been rude - and, you know, dangerous.
The fastest-shrinking church in Australia doesn’t miss this chance to show why it’s dying of self-loathing:
Last night, the Uniting Church minister who chairs the Blake Society defended the pieces.
The Reverend Rod Pattenden, who awarded the $15,000 prize to the competition winner in Sydney yesterday, said his mission was to spark debate about spirituality in a world that was “cynical, degraded and in crisis”. Mr Pattenden said he did not expect controversy to result from the exhibition at the National Art School Gallery “because the Christian community doesn’t look at art a great deal”.
Once, in fact, the Christian community actually looked at art so gladly it commissioned many of the world’s great masterpieces. Just think of the Sistine Chapel.
But now the barbarians are in charge of the church.
New preaching: Christ, Osama - much the same difference even to a Uniting Church minister.
Or to a prize-winning novellist such as Richard Flanagan:
In his understanding that love was not enough, in his acceptance of the necessity of the sacrifice of his own life to enable the future of those around him, Jesus is history’s first, but not last, example of a suicide bomber.
We are dying from inside. "