Here is a great lesson in history and leadership. If this lesson is not learned, then prepare your prayer rug and slap a burka over your women. I am getting ready for us to lose, even though I am praying for the opposite.
WorldWatch - June 3, 2007 - Learning from History - The Ornery American: "So the question remains: Are we too stupid to learn from history? Must we, on the verge of victory, turn our future over to the fools and appeasers?
That's what the polls are saying right now. Those polls will change. But, as with England in 1939, the polls will change too late. Without leadership, the people do not see the danger in time.
Americans just want to be left alone. Our enemies are determined not to leave us alone. But our media, our intellectuals, and the Democratic Party are trying to soothe us and assure us that we don't actually have to fight anybody. We can win just by sitting still and ... being America.
America didn't get to be America by sitting still."