Tuesday, December 26, 2006

9/11 claim is found baseless

I can hear the cries of "corruption" from the Truthers already! I don't even care. When the whole world is a plot by the elites it does not make much difference anymore what the plot is. As long as I get my health benefits and a paycheck what is wrong up there? So what if the elites have a plot to control the world. Maybe it will lead to world peace.

So, 9/11 was really not a CIA plot. The dotted lines are being closed off. The Truthers are turning out to be nuts. Well, not that there was much doubt before.

About time some of these stupid waste of dollars investigations started to conclude.

Monday, December 25, 2006

How the libs stole Christmas

I am stealing this from a friend. Who probably stole it from someplace else. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it with your CHRISTMAS fun.

How the "Left" Stole Christmas ~ ~ ~

Twas the month before Christmas
When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying nor taking a stand.
See the PC Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
December 25th is just a " Holiday ".
Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing, something quite odd!
Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa
In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.
As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.
At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.
Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty
Are words that were used to intimidate me.
Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen
On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !
At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace
The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate "Winter Break" under your "Dream Tree"
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me. ~ ~ ~
Choose your words carefully, choose what you say
Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holiday!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Baha'ism is evil?

Thanks to Sandmonkey for this article.

"As for Baha'ism, it is not one of the recognized heavenly religions, and who over follows it from the muslims will be considerd an apostate since its principles stand in opposion with the principles of the Islamic religion, plus the other heavenly religions. Furthermore, its believers have totally and utterly forbidden the islamic sharia sanctioned Jihad, for they wish to get the islamic nations to hand its neck to their executioners without any resistance, using idelaistic and romantic speeches to get everybody to agree to one global government, which is the one true aim of the Baha'i religion, and the secretive reason why they are supported by the imperialistic powers- old and new- which shelters them and defends their rights…"

This is from the SECULAR COURTS?

Afghans overwhelming support US/NATO

Why isn't this headlines here? Every poll that shows something even minorly bad is put on the front page of every newspaper! Why not this?

KABUL, Dec 15 (Pajhwok Afghan News): Majority of Afghans support the government of President Hamid Karzai and the presence of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, suggest a new poll for WorldPublicOpinion.

Ninety per cent countrymen rate President Karzai positively. However, the poll finds the support was on the decline because majority of Afghans are frustrated with the slow pace of the ongoing reconstruction process.

Afghans also do not like the Taliban to stage a come back. Taliban remain overwhelmingly unpopular and few Afghans believe the religious militants are likely to regain power, despite the surge in their attacks on NATO forces in recent months, suggest the poll.

Regarding the presence of foreign troops in the country and their peacekeeping/counter-insurgency operations and reconstruction activities, most people believe they are doing well.

Seventy-five per cent have a favourable view of US forces and 77 per cent describe NATO forces as effective, says the survey. With the exception of a little number of residents of this central capital, majority of Afghans in the provinces can not differentiate between NATO and coalition/US forces and their job.


I left off the '-ly' on overwhelmingly.

Did that confuse libs who took a look?

Has Political Correctness gone too far?

Today, in a speech at his official residence in Downing Street, prime minister Tony Blair made a statement in which he claimed that all citizens should conform to "common values". He said: "When it comes to our essential values - belief in democracy, the rule of law, tolerance, equal treatment for all, respect for this country and its shared heritage - then that is where we come together, it is what we hold in common."

"If you come here lawfully, we welcome you. If you are permitted to stay here permanently, you become an equal member of our community and become one of us. The right to be different, the duty to integrate: that is what being British means.And neither racists nor extremists should be allowed to destroy it."

The politically correct lobby at Croydon Council, in the name of "multiculturalism", is practicing its own divisive policies which encourage a lack of integration.

Great that Blair is saying this!

Too bad that the man he wants to replace him thinks that Islam can be appeased and that the military is scum. He is trying to close the last military hospital in Britain. He sends suspected terrorists from England to other Muslim countries to learn and teach. Dhimmi scum.

I was accused of sounding like I am supporting a Nazi-style laws about immigrants. NOT the case at all.

Hitler advocated the extermination of the Jews, Christians, gays, Gypsies, criminals, etc.

WE are not advocating the death of anyone but criminals. We are advocating the return to their country(s) of origin if they refuse to act as if they want to live in the civilized world.

The Somalis in England say that they can not live with England's laws and are creating their own system of law based upon their laws back home. If they do not like English Law, send them home!

Some have compared this to the Jewish tradition where they set up a system of laws and courts to deal with Jewish traditions and religious codes. This is similar, but, to my thinking, not similar enough. The Jewish courts do not replace the secular courts. They do not deal with the breaking of local laws. They are designed to still enforce the Laws handed down for the known history but are no longer acknowledged by secular laws. For example, adultery. The secular laws no longer care if someones spouse is messing around. The religious courts do care and enforce the biblical laws. However, the Muslims setting up sharia law in certain areas of a country are ignoring the local laws in favor of the sharia ones. This is criminal. You can not ignore the local laws.

The crusades

I have been reading the news as per my usual and started thinking about the Crusades. Mainly because the muslims keep calling the people from the West Crusaders.

Does anyone remember reason for the Crusades? Especially the first one?

And, for those you are a little slow, please remember that America had yet to be found and repopulated by the Europeans. America did not partake in ANY crusades. There were no automobiles so oil was not something people were looking for. Good luck!

Islamic moderates attack Christians

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Ethiopia launched an attack Sunday on Somalia’s powerful Islamic movement, sending fighter jets across the border and bombarding several towns in a major escalation of the violence that threatens to engulf the Horn of Africa.

Ethiopia confirmed the attacks, the first time it has acknowledged that its troops were fighting in Somalia, though witnesses have reported their presence for weeks.

“After too much patience, the Ethiopian government has taken a self-defensive measure and has begun counterattacking the aggressive extremist forces of the (Islamic council) and foreign terrorist groups,” said Ethiopia’s foreign affairs spokesman, Solomon Abebe.

The Council of Islamic Courts has vowed to drive out troops from neighboring Ethiopia, a largely Christian nation that is providing military support to Somalia’s U.N.-backed government.

“They are cowards,” said Sheik Mohamoud Ibrahim Suley, an official with Somalia’s Council of Islamic Courts. “They are afraid of the face-to-face war and resorted to airstrikes. I hope God will help us shoot down their planes.”

I read this and could not decide whether to laugh or get angry. On the one hand I want the Somali clerics to be sent to Allah because they anger me. On the other hand I have to laugh at the phrase "U.N.-backed government :))

Being backed by the UN is such a waste. It almost guarantees you failure. When was the last time the UN got involved and won? Was it on terrorism? Was it in Bosnia? Kosovo? Haiti?

How long will the UN let Christians die before they move. I am willing to bet the answer is "a few years." Would anyone like to bet?
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