Saturday, March 24, 2007

Information Warfare: It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

Now that the terrorists have printed their strategy out, it is easy to see in print and other news sources. Unfortunately, it seems that almost every member of the Leftwing organizations is part of the disinformation campaign. CNN and the other major news services are also. I wonder if the "news" reporters who are following this strategy can be tried for treason for following the directives of the declared enemy? How about the politicians? In the US, that could end the Deomocrat Party! Something to think about...

Information Warfare: It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This: "It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

March 22, 2007: Islamic terrorists are encouraging their supporters, who can write in English, to get on American web sites and pretend to be friends or family members of American soldiers or marines. The 'media jehadis' are instructed to tell stories in line with the anti-war tone of American and European media. Things like soldiers committing suicide because they were forced to take part in atrocities in Iraq. Or wounded soldiers suffering, or killing themselves, because of the poor care and abuse they have received from the army. The media jihadis are told to make it sound like they are simply passing on what a soldier said, not to pretend to be a soldier or marine. Media jihadis are told not to discuss anything from the Moslems side, and Moslems should only be referred to as innocent victims. Never mention the Sunni-Shia conflict or Islamic terrorism. Posters should not stick around for discussions, lest they be found out. Care should be taken to select screen names similar to other English speaking posters. Keep messages simple, so as not to betray the fact that you are not a native English speaker.

This is a clever strategy, and whoever started posting it openly on Arab language web sites, demonstrated a keen understanding of how the media works in the West"

DEBKAfile - Iranian warship seizes 15 British seamen inspecting merchant ship for terrorists and arms in divided Shatt al Arab waterway

DEBKAfile - Iranian warship seizes 15 British seamen inspecting merchant ship for terrorists and arms in divided Shatt al Arab waterway

If Debka is NOT on your daily reading list, it should be! This is a great example. Many sources have listed what has happened. Many others will talk about the fact that this is traditionally an act of war. A few will claim that this is really a trick by President Bush to start a war with Iran. Only Debka gives out the things that are needed to truely evaluate this on our own.

Yes, the Iranians kiddnapped the sailors and marines. Yes, this is technically an act of war. Yes, the Left thinks that President Bush controls everything in the world except them. However, no place tells us about the three US and one French carrier groups patrolling the Gulf right now. There has not been this kind of firepower in the Gulf since the initial invasion. I think it would be very very easy to divert part of this striking power to an attack upon the Iranian nuclear and military infrastructure. Which would not be missed by many. The clock is ticking! Drop some bombs NOW!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

lgf: Brave Mujahideen Warriors Use Children in Car Bomb

I am sick. The terrorists are finding new depths of depravity.

lgf: Brave Mujahideen Warriors Use Children in Car Bomb: "Insurgents in Iraq detonated an explosives-rigged vehicle with two children in the back seat after US soldiers let it through a Baghdad checkpoint over the weekend, a senior US military official said Tuesday.

The vehicle was stopped at the checkpoint but was allowed through when soldiers saw the children in the back, said Major General Michael Barbero of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. “Children in the back seat lowered suspicion. We let it move through. They parked the vehicle, and the adults ran out and detonated it with the children in the back,” Barbero said.

The general said it was the first time he had seen a report of insurgents using children in suicide bombings. But he said Al-Qaeda in Iraq is changing tactics in response to the tighter controls around the city. A US defense official said the incident occurred on Sunday in Baghdad’s Adhamiyah district, a mixed neighborhood adjacent to Sadr City, which is predominantly Shiite.

After going through the checkpoint, the vehicle parked next to a market across the street from a school, said the official, who asked not to be identified.

“And the two adults were seen to get out of the vehicle, and run from the vehicle, and then followed by the detonation of the vehicle,” the official"

Worcester Telegram & Gazette News

Disgusting. I will give up my Bach when they pry it from my cold dead fingers! Which they will be glad to do. If they live that long.

Worcester Telegram & Gazette News: "Amid the chaos, Shiite and Sunni Muslim extremists have grown bolder in enforcing religious strictures — forcing stores selling CDs and DVDs to shut down. Sometimes, employees of those shops have been killed. "

Counterterrorism Blog: The Chlorine Gas Attacks in Iraq and the Specter of Suicide Attacks with CBRN Weapons

It might be very scary if suddenly the jihad in America started using into the transportation industry here and all the chemical trucks on the road suddenly became possible bombs. How many of these trucks do you see on the roads everyday? They are all over! Scary thought. Boom. Wake up America!

Counterterrorism Blog: The Chlorine Gas Attacks in Iraq and the Specter of Suicide Attacks with CBRN Weapons

So, Mr. Hitchens, weren't you wrong about Iraq? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Christopher Hitchens answers some tough questions about Iraq on the Fourth Anniversary of the invasion. Most of this I have been arguing with my local leftists and liberals for years, it is nice to see some one else say it finally! This is the reason I started to blog myself, even though I rarely seem to post my own thoughts since the news is moving faster than I can squeeze in time to write. I need to find a few extra hours a day. Maybe I can just skip sleep and showers. No, then I might be mistaken for a liberal!

So, Mr. Hitchens, weren't you wrong about Iraq? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine:
"Should it not have been known by Western intelligence that Iraq had no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction?

The entire record of UNSCOM until that date had shown a determination on the part of the Iraqi dictatorship to build dummy facilities to deceive inspectors, to refuse to allow scientists to be interviewed without coercion, to conceal chemical and biological deposits, and to search the black market for materiel that would breach the sanctions. The defection of Saddam Hussein's sons-in-law, the Kamel brothers, had shown that this policy was even more systematic than had even been suspected. Moreover, Iraq did not account for—has in fact never accounted for—a number of the items that it admitted under pressure to possessing after the Kamel defection. We still do not know what happened to this weaponry. This is partly why all Western intelligence agencies, including French and German ones quite uninfluenced by Ahmad Chalabi, believed that Iraq had actual or latent programs for the production of WMD. Would it have been preferable to accept Saddam Hussein's word for it and to allow him the chance to re-equip once more once the sanctions had further decayed?"

The Jawa Report: (Video) British Muslim: Islam = Terrorism, Paul Johnson Beheading Justified

Very candid speech about how it is good to kill non muslims. The final quote about how the innocent are only muslims and non muslims are NOT innocent should be placed on bill boards around the world. This is what is taught, this is what they believe, this is why they murder women and children. It has nothing to do with oil or whatever the Leftist want to CLAIM it is, this war is about Islam finally feeling that they have the numbers to destroy a demoralized world that has been taught to hate itself.

I was called a hate filled, Islamophobic, racist for posting this and other speeches on another site. I asked where my hate is displayed and they told me that I am just a troll looking to attack honest muslims. The Left's deliberate ignoring of this threat is a bigger threat than the muslims who want to murder and kill us and our families.

The Jawa Report: (Video) British Muslim: Islam = Terrorism, Paul Johnson Beheading Justified:

"That's why when you hear on the news that the mujahideen [reference to al Qaeda], you know, of [Saudi Arabia], they killed those British and they killed those Americans [ie, a reference to the beheading of American Paul Johnson and murder of Kenneth Scroggs and BBC cameraman Simon Cumbers] don't be surprised. It's not some new phenomenon to kill the enemies of Allah.

And you may say to yourself, 'No, they [Paul Johnson, et al] are innocent.'

No kafir [unbeliever, non-Muslim] is innocent. Innocence is only for the Muslims. No kafir is innocent."

The Jawa Report: 'The Age of Individual Jihad' in Suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia? (Updated, Bumped)

When Mr. Rusty Shackleford makes a bet like this, I back his bet! This situation is very suspiciously similar to a Individual Jihad. With information provided in other parts of the article and its updates, it looks almost like premeditated attempted murder. I do not think they will be charged with that, but I also think these two pieces of pig fece need to be deported. I wonder if anyone will have the brains to do that?

The Jawa Report: 'The Age of Individual Jihad' in Suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia? (Updated, Bumped): "We are now in the age of individual jihad. How do we know? Al Qaeda sympathizers have recently declared it so. Further, these al Qaeda fellow-travellers have produced a series of 'how-to' videos for the individual jihadist. A kind of step-by-step do-it-yourself guide for would-be jihadists who do not, or cannot, belong to an organized terror cell. The terrorist of the future--and of now--may not belong to a terror group at all, but rather, will carry out acts of terrorism with little or no outside direction or support.

Was this alleged attack on a returned soldier in Georgia an act of individual jihad? It's unclear (UPDATE: Scroll down, but there seems to be some evidence that this was individual jihad). It's very possible that this is nothing more than a case of overblown egos clashing. But it's also not wise, in this 'age of individual jihad', to simply write the incident off simply because the two Muslims do not have any known connection to extremist groups.

If it is true that the Arabs were taunting the U.S. veteran, this is not necessarily 'individual jihad', but might be a related problem with even more troubling implications because it is much more widespread--the problem of Muslim nationalism. Muslim nationalists, as I define them, are those who see their primary national identit"

Iraqis arrest sniper suspect at Sunni MP's house

It is about time that the terrorist hideouts are being closed down. Interesting that the surge has not even hit in full yet and the government is having to move against the crooked politicians. I just pray that I do not have to retract this later! Well, I think I do want to retract it and find that the politician is NOT crooked! At least in this way.

I wonder what would be found in a raid on the Kennedy Estates? Or the Pelosi owned lands? I am picturing massive INS work! Probably a lot of work for the A of ATF and the DEA. Hard to prove until the raid happens, and NO DA wants to ask for that warrant! HA!

Iraqis arrest sniper suspect at Sunni MP's house - Yahoo! News: "Iraq government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh, told reporters that the search proved that Iraqi officials would investigate anyone suspected of breaking the law, whatever their rank.

'If lawmakers break the law we will deal with them according to the law; they will be treated according to the law,' he said."

The ONLY innocents are Muslims, killing nonMuslims is good

This explanation of why Islam is actively murdering innocent people is given by a major Islamist leader in England. It is scary! If you are a Nazi it might sound reasonable, if you love humanity, well, you will be scared. This is a video the Left will denounce as fake and will ignore as long as possible. Honest people need to wake up and start to fight back. Or they will be murdered. It is that simple.

Toddler improving on experimental smallpox drug -

I am glad this poor child is going to pull through. And very, very glad that he is not infected with the much worse smallpox! Yet another person to add to my prayers. I am going to have to start writing all these names down soon!

Toddler improving on experimental smallpox drug - "An experimental pill appears to be helping a toddler who had a near-fatal skin reaction to his father's smallpox shot, doctors said Monday.

The drug, an antiviral made by Siga Technologies called ST-246, worked when more conventional treatment failed, the doctors said.

The 2-year-old, still in critical condition at the University of Chicago's Comer Children's Hospital, developed the rare, serious reaction called eczema vaccinatum after being with his father, a soldier vaccinated for deployment in Iraq.

'He's making slow improvement every day. He's still in the pediatric intensive care unit,' said Dr. John Marcinak, pediatric infectious disease specialist at the hospital."

Monday, March 19, 2007

Tariq Ramadan and Islam’s Future in Europe | The Brussels Journal

This is an interesting article about how Belgium is being overrun by the "radical" Islamists. Absolutely fascinating! I highly recommend it.

Tariq Ramadan and Islam’s Future in Europe | The Brussels Journal: "In 2004 a new organisation, called Youth for Islam (YfI), established itself in Berchem, the neighbourhood where I worked. YfI is a Salafist organisation. This means that they put Salaf, or the following of the road of Muhammed’s companions, at the centre of their lives. In other words, they return to the source, by letting their lives as much as possible be a reflection of the life of the prophet. In this the literal interpretation of the Quran is essential. Through attending summer camps, where they are instructed in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and Sharia (Islamic law), youngsters are encouraged not to accept the laws of the Western country where they live, but the Quran.

What the Salafists teach cannot be reconciled with European values: the stoning of women, flogging, the repudiation of children whose fathers are not Muslims, etc., is in contradiction with European law. Those who ask young people living in Europe to follow the rules laid down in a 7th century manual are asking for problems and promote conflict. European law or culture is not compatible with Tariq Ramadan’s doctrine about Islam’s future in Europe."

Room with a View: Al-Qaeda Thanks Rosie by Steve Yuhas

Why does Rosie O make me sick? I am so tired of her and her antiAmerican and antiChristian attacks. More people need to avoid her show. The other "ladies" are liberal, but tolerable. Rosie just is sickening. She is so offensive!

I wonder how hard it is to prepare for her latest tireade each day? Normally I ignore her, but defending the terror mastermind is crossing a line I just can't tolerate.

Room with a View: Al-Qaeda Thanks Rosie by Steve Yuhas: "On Saturday Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to a litany of terrorist events – some happened and some didn’t. One event that surely was successful was September 11, 2001 for which Mohammed told a military tribunal, “I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z.” His confession was not enough for ABC’s O’Donnell who is unconvinced.

O’Donnell dismisses Mohammed’s outlined specifics about the acts of war against America that ranged from the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan to attacks that never came to fruitarian because of either good law enforcement or dumb luck by talking bad about America. her complaint is (what else) torture, oh and that Mohammed had a bad picture. Note to law enforcement – bad pictures may be enough to sway a hen even after a terrorist makes a confession.

Admitting to 31 actual or would be terrorist attacks is not enough for O’Donnell because shortly after the show began and the gals began their roundtable clucking of banter Rosie decided to defend a terrorist. 'I think the man has been under custody in secret CIA torture prisons and Guantanamo Bay where torture is accepted and allowed – and he finally is the guy who admits to doing everything.'"

Iraqis: life is getting better-News-World-Iraq-TimesOnline

Amazing what the media are going to ignore here. Now, if it was BAD news... It would be the lead story in every news media outlet. Print, TV, Cable, and Radio. I DARE CNN to give this the coverage it gives to the bodys of the slain before the family is notified.

Iraqis: life is getting better-News-World-Iraq-TimesOnline: "The survey of more than 5,000 Iraqis found the majority optimistic despite their suffering in sectarian violence since the American-led invasion four years ago this week.

One in four Iraqis has had a family member murdered, says the poll by Opinion Research Business. In Baghdad, the capital, one in four has had a relative kidnapped and one in three said members of their family had fled abroad. But when asked whether they preferred life under Saddam, the dictator who was executed last December, or under Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, most replied that things were better for them today."

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Norway recognizes new Palestinian government

I am part Norwegian. This is very depressing! I am not sure how glad I am to have this Viking blood. Hamas needs to be eradicated.

Norway recognizes new Palestinian government - International Herald Tribune: "Norway recognized the new Palestinian government just minutes after it was approved Saturday, and said it would normalize relations with the Hamas-Fatah coalition.

The Scandinavian country became the first to lift restrictions imposed on the previous Hamas-led government as part of an international boycott.

'Norway welcomes the formation of the Palestinian unity government,' Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said in a statement, adding the coalition was 'taking important steps towards complying with the international community's demands.'

'Norway will thus on this basis re-establish political and economic relations with the Palestinian government,' he said."

Indian Muslim group calls for beheading of writer Taslima Nasreen - Yahoo! News

This is another example of the Freedom of Speech under Sharia. However, it is interesting that the senior clerics have overruled the younger hothead. I do wish they could figure out how to reign in the other hotheads who want to kill everyone who disagrees whith them.

Indian Muslim group calls for beheading of writer Taslima Nasreen - Yahoo! News: "An Indian Muslim group has offered a 500,000 rupee (11,319 dollar) bounty for the beheading of controversial Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen.

The president of the All India Ibtehad Council, Taqi Raza Khan, said on Friday he had declared the reward for anyone who carried out the 'quatal' or 'extermination' of the 'notorious woman.'

'Taslima has put Muslims to shame in her writing. She should be killed and beheaded and anyone who does this will get a reward from the council,' he said in a statement received in Lucknow, capital of northern Uttar Pradesh state."

UN under attack in Gaza


GAZA CITY [MENL] -- After decades of feeding and housing refugees, the United Nations has come under threat in the Palestinian Authority.

PA officials acknowledge that Islamist fighters have launched a campaign to expel or seize control of the UN Relief and Works Agency in the Gaza Strip. The officials said the gunmen, believed linked to several militias, have driven out nearly all foreign staffers of UNRWA as they seek to control operations in refugee camps in the PA.

'The huge majority of foreign UN personnel are no longer in Gaza,' an official said. 'The idea is to intimidate or expel the rest of them and gain access to hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and supplies for the refugee camps.'

On March 16, Palestinian gunmen sought to abduct UNRWA operations chief John Ging, one of the few senior officials left in the Gaza Strip. The gunmen blocked an armed convoy and fired at least five times toward Ging's vehicle. Nobody was hurt and the gunmen escaped."
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