Monday, March 19, 2007

Room with a View: Al-Qaeda Thanks Rosie by Steve Yuhas

Why does Rosie O make me sick? I am so tired of her and her antiAmerican and antiChristian attacks. More people need to avoid her show. The other "ladies" are liberal, but tolerable. Rosie just is sickening. She is so offensive!

I wonder how hard it is to prepare for her latest tireade each day? Normally I ignore her, but defending the terror mastermind is crossing a line I just can't tolerate.

Room with a View: Al-Qaeda Thanks Rosie by Steve Yuhas: "On Saturday Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to a litany of terrorist events – some happened and some didn’t. One event that surely was successful was September 11, 2001 for which Mohammed told a military tribunal, “I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z.” His confession was not enough for ABC’s O’Donnell who is unconvinced.

O’Donnell dismisses Mohammed’s outlined specifics about the acts of war against America that ranged from the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan to attacks that never came to fruitarian because of either good law enforcement or dumb luck by talking bad about America. her complaint is (what else) torture, oh and that Mohammed had a bad picture. Note to law enforcement – bad pictures may be enough to sway a hen even after a terrorist makes a confession.

Admitting to 31 actual or would be terrorist attacks is not enough for O’Donnell because shortly after the show began and the gals began their roundtable clucking of banter Rosie decided to defend a terrorist. 'I think the man has been under custody in secret CIA torture prisons and Guantanamo Bay where torture is accepted and allowed – and he finally is the guy who admits to doing everything.'"

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