Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nazir Ali - The Collapse Of Chistianity Is Wrecking British Society & Islam Is Filling The Void

Thank the Lord for Bishop Nazir-Ali. Amazing to admire an Arab Christian who is in England as one of the Bravest of the English. The Empire has fallen on vary hard times indeed.

Wolf Howling: Nazir Ali - The Collapse Of Chistianity Is Wrecking British Society & Islam Is Filling The Void: "Not only is Britian in crisis, but so too, of course, is the Church of England. As I wrote below, at the current rate of progression, Islam will overtake Christianity as the dominant religion in Britain within thirty years. It is fascinating that, at the head of the Anglican Church today, is a weak and incredibly misguided Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, an inveterate Marxist and multiculturalist who seeks to appease the Islamists.

At the other end of the spectrum is the man increasingly in the news as the voice of the Anglican Church - and the one man in Britain who speaks honestly on the virtues of Christianity, the malignant effects of socialism and the dangers of Islamism - the Pakistani-born Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali. Indeed, he is shouting all this from the roof tops. And he does so today, quite eloquently."

Farmers under Qassam fire stop shipments of food to Gaza

About time that someone stood up to the terrorists. I wonder when the EU and UN will condemn this act of genocide by farmers who are under daily attack?

Solomonia: Farmers under Qassam fire stop shipments of food to Gaza: "Tough to argue with them:
Dozens of farmers from Gaza-vicinity communities block trucks headed for Sufa border crossing. 'It's inconceivable that while we are being attacked with Qassam rockets, we're also sending food into Gaza,' says protestor

A large group of farmers from communities in southern Israel under constant bombardment from Gaza's terror groups arrived at the Sufa border crossing and prevented the transfer of provisions into the Strip.

The farmers said they were demonstrating against Israel's policy of continuing to ship aid into Gaza while rocket attacks continue to emanate from the territory.

The protest seemed to resound even louder when, with the demonstration in full gear, Israeli troops operating near Sufa came under attack from Palestinian mortar shell barrages. An IDF soldier was lightly wounded in the clashes...

...''It's inconceivable that while we are being attacked with Qassam rockets, we're also sending food into Gaza,' said Itamar Gilad, a resident of Dekel in the Eshkol Regional Council.

'We have no intention of sitting on our hands and just accepting daily rocket attacks on our homes. If there is no security in our lives, then the provisions will not pass through our regional council..."

Iran Achieves a Four-Front Missile Command, Breakthrough on Nuclear Missile Warheads

I have some Liberal acquaintances who think that Iran and Syria are at war because they are not the same Muslim sect. HAHAHAHA!

How dangerous is it that the Iranians and Syrians are "combining" their missile commands? The Iranians have already been mainly in control and this is just going to consolidate their control. I wonder how the Syrians feel about being the Iranian butt monkeys?

DEBKAfile - Iran Achieves a Four-Front Missile Command, Breakthrough on Nuclear Missile Warheads: "DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps have created a separate missile command, in which Syria’s missile force is to be integrated. The joint command was formalized in a new mutual defense treaty signed by the Syrian defense minister, Gen. Hassan Turkmani in Tehran last week.

Israeli military sources judge the operational merger of Iranian and Syrian missile corps to be a major strategic hazard to the Jewish state.

Western and Israeli military experts connect it with other indications that Iran’s program for developing missiles capable of delivering nuclear payloads has gone into high gear and reached an advanced stage. They believe the Iranians have beaten most of the technical difficulties holding it up."

Thursday, May 29, 2008

UK police make new arrest after restaurant blast

Three people arrested and a mosque raided. Nope, no ties to Islamic radicals at all. It is all just a mistake. Anyone who says there is a link must be an Islamophobe.

I almost got that out without laughing! My new Obama accent works well if I hold my ears out from my head. Gets me in the mood to appease.

UK police make new arrest after restaurant blast - Yahoo! News: "Local police have said Reilly had been manipulated and radicalized, explaining that the 22-year-old had a history of mental illness.

On Friday heavily armed police swooped in on a second suspect in the nearby city of Plymouth, where Reilly lived. That man has not been identified. Counterterrorism authorities are still trying to determine who else, if anyone, was involved in the bombing.

It was not clear from the police's statement where the third and latest suspect was apprehended, but it said the Muslim Community Center in St Jude's, in Plymouth, was being searched in connection with the arrest.

The center said it was shocked by the recent developments and, in a statement released by police, said it would help authorities with their investigation."

Decapitation Motivates and Clarifies

More good news! When will it stop? It is so nice to have a happy world view yet again.

Leadership: Decapitation Motivates and Clarifies: "What's the world going to do when they don't have Osama bin Laden to kick around anymore? With many key al Qaeda operatives fleeing to Pakistan, the CIA is revving up its operations along the Afghan-Pakistan border to welcome them, and hoping all this activity will make it possible to finally nail bin Laden.

The al Qaeda defeat in Iraq has hurt the terrorist organizations reputation big time. The senior leaders, and prominent spokesmen, Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahir, have avoided confronting this defeat head on. Thus while these two continue to issue video and audio messages from their mountain hideouts, fewer people are paying attention. But the CIA believes that killing bin Laden would still be a major blow to Islamic terrorist morale."

Super-sensitive spray-on explosive detector makes great television

This is cool! Can I get a batch to test? How much does it cost? I want some!

RSC Press Release: Super-sensitive spray-on explosive detector makes great television: "US scientists have designed a new spray-on explosive detector sensitive enough to detect just a billionth of a gram of explosive. After treatment the explosive glows blue under UV light, making it perfect for use in the field - or on CSI: Miami.

William Trogler and his team at the University of California, San Diego, made a silafluorene-fluorene copolymer to identify nitrogen-containing explosives. It is the first of its kind to act as a switchable sensor with picogram (10-15g) detection limits, and is reported in the Royal Society of Chemistry's Journal of Materials Chemistry.

Trogler's polymer can detect explosives at much lower levels than existing systems because it detects particles instead of explosive vapours. In the team's new method one simply sprays the polymer solution over the test area, let it dry, and shine UV light on it. Spots of explosive quench the fluorescent polymer and turn blue - this makes it quick and visually exciting enough to be featured on the hit US TV programme CSI: Miami.

The polymer is able to show the difference between nitrate esters, such as trinitroglycerin, and nitroaromatic explosives, such as TNT."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

FBI Warns: New al-Qaida WMD Threat

Another day, another threat. Is it terrorists desperate to seem relevant or Bush trying to scare people?

I know which I think! - FBI Warns: New al-Qaida WMD Threat: "The FBI issued a bulletin to 18,000 law enforcement agencies this week warning that al-Qaida has made new threats to use weapons of mass destruction against U.S. targets.

ABC News reported late Tuesday that intelligence sources have confirmed that al-Qaida plans to release a new video on the web sometime tomorrow. U.S. intelligence believes the terror group will advise its 'jihadists to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West.'

An FBI spokesman confirmed the threat 'calling for the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against civilians.' The U.S. has no 'intelligence of any specific plot or indication of a threat to the U.S.,' the Bureau spokesman said. Still, the FBI has taken the precautionary step of alerting other agencies of the potential threat.

Such threats are not unusual for the Bureau. Earlier this year, Dr. Vahid Majidi, the bureau’s assistant director in charge of the WMD Directorate, told Newsmax that the FBI gets at least several dozen cases a year involving weapons of mass destruction. [My emphasis]

The Bureau takes such threats seriously."

Bolton: Little Alternative to Iran Strike

Why can't we get Mr Bolton for Vice President? Or Sec of State? Or anything to keep him helping to make policy? I would vote for him over any of the three Liberals running for President today.

This guy is a genius who tells it straight. We need more people like him in Washington. - Bolton: Little Alternative to Iran Strike: "Military action against Iran would be a last resort but the United States and its allies have not done enough to promote the alternative, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said on Wednesday.

John Bolton, who was a leading hawk in President George W. Bush's administration, told an audience at the Hay literary Festival that five years of 'failed' negotiation with Iran over its nuclear program had left just two options for dealing with the issue -- regime change and use of force.

'The use of military force is an extremely unattractive option and only to be used as a last resort,' he said, adding he would favor regime change.

Bolton said the elements for regime change were present in Iran -- the economy was in difficulties, young Iranians could see the possibility of a different life and there were ethnic tensions within the country.

But he added that the United Nations and its allies had not done enough to bring about the required change.

'I wish that we had had a much more vigorous policy five years ago,' he said."

BLACKFIVE: Marine Jailed Over Memorial Day Weekend for Exercising 5th Amendment

Go read the rest of this travesty. This is such a miscarriage of justice! Killing of terrorists who fire, kill and then surrender is going to happen. I wish I could send more money than I will. I wish that as many of the people who read this blog can send in help.

Pray for this guy. These guys. These Marines.

BLACKFIVE: Marine Jailed Over Memorial Day Weekend for Exercising 5th Amendment: "Last July, Ryan Weemer, out of the active Marine Corps, was undergoing polygraph testing to serve as White House Secret Service security guard. He was asked if he ever witnessed an unlawful death while in Fallujah. He answered 'yes'. According to affadavits, Nazario, Weemer and Nelson shot the insurgents. The Navy Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) had investigator Mark Fox look into the claims. He spent fourteen months on the case. I believe he is the same investigator on the Haditha case. He seems to be focused on the Thundering Third. In fact, the first time he brought these charges, they were dropped by the Marines. Now, after a change in command, he has brought them again and LTG Hellmand has ordered a court martial.

And it gets more murky as the civilian courts get involved..."

Al Qaeda Discusses Losing Iraq

More proof of the victory in Iraq, so the Media continues to find ways to ignore it and find bad news else where. Why? Isn't it great that the Battle for Iraq is almost over?

Is good news so hard to print? I know that I love to print good news! I even mock bad news! Why do the professionals find it so hard? If not impossible.

Information Warfare: Al Qaeda Discusses Losing Iraq: "Al Qaeda Discusses Losing Iraq
May 27, 2008: Al Qaeda web sites are making a lot of noise about 'why we lost in Iraq.' Western intelligence agencies are fascinated by the statistics being posted in several of these Arab language sites. Not the kind of stuff you read about in the Western media. According to al Qaeda, their collapse in Iraq was steep and catastrophic. According to their stats, in late 2006, al Qaeda was responsible for 60 percent of the terrorist attacks, and nearly all the ones that involved killing a lot of civilians. The rest of the violence was carried out by Iraqi Sunni Arab groups, who were trying in vain to scare the Americans out of the country.

Today, al Qaeda has been shattered, with most of its leadership and foot soldiers dead, captured or moved from Iraq. As a result, al Qaeda attacks have declined more than 90 percent. Worse, most of their Iraqi Sunni Arab allies have turned on them, or simply quit. This 'betrayal' is handled carefully on the terrorist web sites, for it is seen as both shameful, and perhaps recoverable."

They call it a scheme

This is a horrible idea! Only a Commie could enjoy this moronic grab for power. No wonder the Dems on this side of the Pond are drooling to see if the Proles will accept it without open rebellion.

Something... and Half of Something: They call it a scheme: "Every adult should be forced to use a ‘carbon ration card’ when they pay for petrol, airline tickets or household energy, MPs say.The influential Environmental Audit Committee says a personal carbon trading scheme is the best and fairest way of cutting Britain’s CO2 emissions without penalising the poor.

Under the scheme, everyone would be given an annual carbon allowance to use when buying oil, gas, electricity and flights.

Anyone who exceeds their entitlement would have to buy top-up credits from individuals who haven’t used up their allowance. The amount paid would be driven by market forces and the deal done through a specialist company........"

The Smallest Minority

A fun site that is new to me. Thanks to the Jawa for pointing it out!
I love the bumper sticker, too. I might have to buy a few.

The Smallest Minority

Allergic to WiFi?

Can't argue with this!


An Insider's View of Evolving Events in Iraq and Iran's Proxy War

Excellent proof of yet more wonderful news that the Media will ignore so that President Bush can be called a failure.

Wolf Howling: An Insider's View of Evolving Events in Iraq and Iran's Proxy War: "The counterinsurgency plan of the past year has included far more than simply “security actions.” Other critical actions have been aimed at building the Iraqi government’s institutional capacity in areas of “economic development, rule of law, security sector reform and really influencing not only key actors within Iraq but broadly throughout the region, to reinforce a movement toward political accommodation and ending the violence.”

Ten things of critical importance have taken place within Iraq over the past year:

1. Security: In terms of the security efforts, “Iraq’s communities have largely stopped shooting at each other.” That achievement belongs not just to U.S. forces, but also to “very courageous and determined Iraqi security forces who took extraordinary risk to make that happen.”"

Gulf hero "Britain is worse than Iraq "

What is happening? This is not a good sign for the survival of one of the best countries in the world. For me, this is just another example of why the West is in collapse and the East might take over the world. The values of our ancestors are ignored and ridiculed because of the "evil" they have wrought upon the world, but they also did a lot of great and good things. It is past time to begin to teach values again!

Gulf hero | Britain is worse than Iraq | The Sun |HomePage|News|Sun Justice: "A HERO paratrooper attacked with an iron bar as he went to buy a pizza last night branded Broken Britain 'more dangerous than Iraq'.

To sign our say no to knives petition click below.

The 27-year-old hero spoke out as the country was rocked by yet another 24 hours of vicious attacks. The horror toll in the last few days includes:


FIFTEEN knife thugs slashing at customers as two drug gangs battled in a family pub in Bickley, Kent — leaving two men fighting for life and the bar looking 'like an abattoir'.


A PUB landlord being stabbed by three thieves in nearby Sidcup. Harry Potter actor Rob Knox, 18, was killed trying to protect his brother from a yob in the town on Saturday.


A MARRIED man aged 31 being stabbed to death by a baying mob who smashed his car and hauled him out in Bradford, West Yorks.


THREE boys aged 12, 13, and 15 being quizzed over the killing of Amar Aslam, 17, in Dewsbury, West Yorks — including one alleged to have taken a picture as Amar lay dying.


FATHER-of-two Alan Riddock, 41, being stabbed to death when he challenged vandals at a pub in Bedminster, Bristol.

The latest horrors underline why"

Not that we enjoy it, but we can suffer fools

Bravo, BG Gal!

Love this post.

Not that we enjoy it, but we can suffer fools « BGG: "Memorial Day weekend around the BGG’s Lair is pretty laid back. No parties, BBQs, and so on. Some friends will be visiting the military cemeteries, paying respects. Me, I just take a moment to remember those gone before, some military and some just family members. I’ll avoid the masses in D.C.

I was just surfing some blogs about Memorial Day and saw a whole bunch of ‘em that I’d put in the maudlin category. Could those videos get any more sappy? Too sentimental for me, but then, I can’t stand chick flicks either.

On the opposite side of the aisle, I noticed a blog that was the most extreme military-hating spew I’ve seen in a while (I’m not going to link and give the jerk any traffic). This loser said he’d spend Memorial Day remembering all the victims of the U.S. military, people murdered and raped, etc. I really found that offensive, but the part that bothered me most was how ignorant the guy was."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First documentary evidence Iran is into nuclear explosives, missile warhead design

First evidence? I thought there was a lot of evidence that was all ignored. Well, I am not an expert, but I thought it was now common knowledge that Iran was building nukes and preparing to make the only fertile area in the region into radioactive waste.

Well, except for the Left, who WANT to kill the Jews because Papa Joe Stalin hated Jews and killed tens of thousands of them. Not quite as many as Hitler, but, hey, not every thug Socialist can be that efficient.

About time the UN decided to admit that Iran might not be telling the truth. Now if they could stop raping little kids in Africa. What a worthless body of freaks.

DEBKAfile - First documentary evidence Iran is into nuclear explosives, missile warhead design: "The International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna based its new and damning findings partly on 18 intelligence documents submitted by the United States, and now accuse Tehran of willful lack of cooperation. Iran dismissed the documents as forged or fabricated.

DEBKAfile reports that the documents came from materials contained in a laptop stolen from one of the heads of Iran’s nuclear program in Tehran in late 2006 by Iranian dissidents. It was passed to the CIA. Despite this evidence of an ongoing nuclear weapons program, sixteen US intelligence agencies, including the CIA, combined last year to announce this program was suspended in 2003.

Even the nuclear watchdog’s director Mohammed ElBaradei, who often meets the Iranians halfway, has concluded that Iran’s nuclear activities are of “serious concern” and require “substantial explanations.” which Tehran has refused to offer.

His latest report describes Iran’s installation of new IR-2 and IR-3 centrifuges for enriching uranium at the Natanz site as “significant” yet not communicated to his agency. IAEA inspectors on a visit in April were denied access to the sites where the centrifuges are manufactured and the scientists involved. Some, the report states, were produced by Iran’s “military” (a reference to the Revolutionary Guards corps which is in charge of Iran’s nuclear weapons industry).

An official connected to the watchdog disclosed that since December, the Iranians have processed close to 150 kilograms, double the amount produced in the same period 18 months ago.

The watchdog director’s report was released Monday, May 26, to the IAEA’s 35-member board of directors and the UN Security Council, and will be discussed by the board next week."

Iraqi Special Forces capture Special Groups commander in Baghdad

More good news! Bill Roggio finds it, the Media ignores it. At least people like me can post it so that some people will find it. I hope that you will go and read the full article for other examples of good news from the combat zones.

Iraqi Special Forces capture Special Groups commander in Baghdad - The Long War Journal: "Iraqi Special Operations Forces have captured a senior Mahdi Army Special Groups leader in the Shula neighborhood in the Ghazaliyah district in northwestern Baghdad. The Shula neighborhood has been a target of US and Iraqi forces over the past several weeks as the fighting in Sadr City has largely subsided.

The Iraqi Special Operations Forces captured what Multinational Forces Iraq called a 'mid-level Special Groups leader' along with two associates during a raid on May 25. The commander, who is 'affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps,' is thought to lead a 300-man battalion of Mahdi Army fighters. He has been behind the kidnapping and murdering of Iraqis and works for the Ministry of Interior."

iowahawk: Dear Barry

'Dear Barry' is always finding ways to help people. What a wonderful guy!

iowahawk: Dear Barry: "Dear Barry:

I love my wife, but frankly sometimes 'Michelle' doesn't have the greatest social graces. I am a VP at a large industrial corporation and in line for a major promotion, so last weekend I invited the CEO and his wife to our house for dinner and cocktails. I was worried that Michelle might cause a scene, so before hand I reminded her over and over again how important it was that she make a good impression. When they showed up at the house, right after introductions, my CEO said, 'you must be very proud of your husband.' So Michelle says, 'and you must be very embarrassed it took you stupid assholes four years to offer us a promotion.'

And that was just the first uncomfortable silence. When Maria (our housemaid) was serving the salad course, she accidentally dropped a plate and Michelle started screaming at her. Then she looked at my boss and said, 'sorry, it's impossible to hire anybody but idiots on the lousy $400,000 salary you cheap bastards pay us.' Throughout dinner Michelle continued hectoring my boss about how screwed up my company is, and too obsessed with profits, and how she and I were going to fix all that, and why everyone probably should all drop out of the corporate world and become artists. To top it all off, during dessert she brought out her black velvet paintings of Che Guevara.

Anyway, this week at work my CEO hasn't returned any of my emails or phone messages. What should I do to get back on the career ladder?

Mortified in Lake Forest

Dear Mortified:

First off, you need to stop treating "Michelle" as a liability. In fact, thanks to a little thing called the Americans With Disabilities Act, she could be your "ace in the hole"! Fire off an email to your CEO announcing that "Michelle" is diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome, and if you get passed over for the promotion he will be looking down the barrel of a fat federal civil rights lawsuit. After you move up to that corner office, you can say thanks to "Michelle" by appointing her head of the corporate diversity outreach department. "

Muslim inmate gets 'allah' jail dog axed

What a bunch of crazy Political Correctness. They transfered the poor guy based on a lying thief. That will look horrible on his record book, and his bosses condone it. This coddling of Muslims is really getting out of hand!

Muslim inmate gets 'allah' jail dog axed | Belmarsh prison | Chris Langridge | The Sun |HomePage|News: "A PRISON officer and his sniffer dog have been moved after a Muslim inmate complained he had named it Allah.

Chris Langridge, 28, who served at Britain’s top high-security jail, insisted his labrador was called Ali, not Allah – which is the name of Muslims’ God.

But the prisoner – in Belmarsh, South East London, for burglary – made an official complaint and the dog handler was switched to another prison.

One Belmarsh officer said: “This is political correctness gone mad.”


The Category A nick houses some of Britain’s most notorious extremist Muslims, including hook-handed Abu Hamza.

It also has the highest proportion of Muslim prisoners of any jail in Britain.

A source said: “Muslims don’t like dogs and it would have been an insult to their religion if the dog had been called Allah, which is sacred to them.

“It is disgraceful the way the management kow-towed to them despite Chris’s denial.”

Mr Langridge and his dog, who swept Belmarsh for drugs, now work at Swaleside jail on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent.

A Prison Service source said last night: “There is no suggestion that he did call the dog Allah but, on bal"

When the Founding Fathers Faced Islamists

I have seen things about this topic before, but felt that it is always nice to get a review of history to help us understand the present. Read the quote from the Muslim leaders back then and tell me how it differs from what Muslim leaders say now.

Pajamas Media » When the Founding Fathers Faced Islamists: "John McCain and Barack Obama are now engaged in a long-distance dispute over whether talking to America’s enemies is integral to America’s security (with neither one wishing to talk to poor Hillary Clinton any longer).

McCain has not so subtly assailed Obama as an “appeaser” for his stated willingness to sit down with the Iranian leadership about its nuclear weapons program and sponsorship of jihadism in Iraq — and never mind for now if that leadership consists of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Ali Khamenei. Meanwhile, Obama has repeatedly labeled McCain a kind of hyper-Bush militarist of the shoot first, sign treaties later school of foreign policy. McCain has hinted at Chamberlain and Munich, always a histrionic conversation-ender in matters of these sort, and Obama has sheepishly downplayed the Iranian threat by contrasting it against the Soviet one, and, without any hint of irony, indicating Kennedy’s talks with Khrushchev in Vienna, and Reagan’s momentous mini-summit with Gorbachev in Reykjavik as proof that toughness and diplomacy are not mutually exclusive concepts. (One witty editorial in The New York Times reminded Obama that Camelot’s finest hour was not its Austrian kibitz with the Russian premier, an event that laid all the psychological bricks, so to speak, for the erection of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban missile crisis.)

Oddly though, in their rush to analogize by way of chivvying each other, neither candidate has actually pulled an example relevant to the region of the globe now under discussion. The Middle East, a term coined by Alfred Thayer Mahan, one of McCain’s boyhood idols, is where both American warfare and American diplomacy began in the late 18th century, as our infant republic faced its first post-Revolutionary struggle against the evocatively named Barbary States of the Ottoman Empire.

Adams was incensed. “It would be more proper to write [of his meeting with ‘Abd al-Rahman] for the… New York Theatre,” he thundered. He agreed with Jefferson that a military response was increasingly likely, but Adams doubted his country’s economic ability to sustain it. For the short term, he thought it better to offer “one Gift of two hundred Thousand Pounds” rather than forfeit “a Million annually” in trade revenue, which the pirates were sure to disrupt. Not long thereafter, Jefferson joined him in London to prevent the “universal and horrible War” and reach an accord with the refractory envoy from Tripoli. Both gentlemen of the Enlightenment, and comrades in revolution, affirmed America’s desire for peace, its respect for all nations, and suggested a treaty of lasting friendship with the regency. ‘Abd al-Rahman listened well, but his reply was one that would shock modern ears less than it did those of the two Founding Fathers:

“It was… written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged [the Muslims’] authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon wheoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”"

Obama sees dead veterans

What a crock. Obama makes a fool of himself in almost every speech. Is he just brain dead, or did all the drugs he did with his Commie buddies finally rot his little brain away?

Power Line: Memorial Day: A Contrast: "Barack Obama must be the most gaffe-prone politician in memory. Today, he delivered a Memorial Day speech in New Mexico. After greeting the local Democratic Party dignitaries, he began:

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

Memorial Day honors those who have died in our nation's military service. Is it possible that Obama does not know this? Sometimes the things that come out of his mouth defy understanding."

Pennsylvania soldier killed in Iraq is to get Medal of Honor

I am glad to see another hero honored. This is a great day to make the announcement.

I will pray for the family again, just to help them get through the attention and the honor. Amen.

The Associated Press: Pennsylvania soldier killed in Iraq is to get Medal of Honor: "The nation's highest military honor will be given to 19-year-old Army Pfc. Ross McGinnis of Knox, Pa., on June 2.

McGinnis 'distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism,' said White House deputy press secretary Tony Fratto.

He was in the gunner's hatch of a Humvee on Dec. 4, 2006, when a grenade sailed past him and into the truck where four other soldiers sat. He shouted a warning to the others, then jumped on the grenade that was lodged near the vehicle's radio. It blew up and killed him.

Lt. Col. Anne Edgecomb, an Army spokeswoman, said McGinnis easily could have jumped out of the truck and saved himself.

'The instinct is, jump out of the vehicle, but his four buddies were in the vehicle with him ... and he chose to place himself on top of the grenade and absorb the impact, and it saved their lives,' Edgecomb said.

McGinnis was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, in Schweinfurt, Germany."

White House, New York Times Trade Blows on GI Bill

The Media political propaganda machine keeps churning out lies. When will the Left realize that if they want to make up a story, it would be best to get a few facts straight first. Making false charges that are this easy to refute is moronic. - White House, New York Times Trade Blows on GI Bill - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum: "Bashed in today's New York Times editorial “Mr. Bush and the GI Bill”, the White House has returned fire saying the piece 'could not be farther from the truth.'

In “Mr. Bush and the GI Bill,” the paper attacked the President for failing the military with a “botched, unwinnable war” and failing them again by opposing a new G.I. Bill of Rights because he and John McCain “would prefer that college benefits for service members remain just mediocre enough that people in uniform are more likely to stay put.”

The White House then responded saying the editorial board was once again “expressing its vitriolic opinions - no matter how misleading they may be.'

According to the White House statement, President Bush “specifically called upon Congress to answer service members' request that they be able to transfer their GI Bill benefits to their spouses and children.” Secretary Gates has also laid out guidelines requesting transferability as well as “greater rewards for continued military service in the all volunteer force,” the White House said.

For these reasons, the White House maintained, “the Department of Defense has specific concerns about legislation sponsored by Senator Webb because it lacks transferability and could negatively impact military retention.” Adding, there are many other proposals before the House and Senate and the President “specifically supports” one “proposed by Senators Graham, Burr, and McCain because it allows for the transferability of education benefits and calibrates an increase in education benefits to time in the service.”"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Iran 'paid Iraq insurgents to kill UK soldiers'

Another "I told you so" That was common knowledge among the experts but ignored by the Media because Bush didn't want to press the issue. Why?

Why is Bush, and the other "leaders", so afraid of insulting the Iranians? I am going to be generous and say that they know something that is not in the public eye, but it sure looks like this Presidency has completely collapsed and become as worthless as the Carter one. Well, at least they still fight terrorists, even if they seem to be confused about the issue. Fools.

Iran 'paid Iraq insurgents to kill UK soldiers' - Telegraph: "Iran has secretly paid Iraqi insurgents hundreds of thousands of American dollars to kill British soldiers, according to a leaked government document obtained by The Telegraph.

The allegations are contained in a confidential 'field report' written by a British officer who served in Basra during one of the most dangerous periods of the conflict. The report, which has never been made public, shows the full level of Iran's involvement in the insurgency for the first time.

The document states that the Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM) – also known as the Mahdi Army – one of the most violent insurgent groups operating in Basra, used money from Iran to recruit and pay young unemployed men up to $300 (£150) a month to carry out attacks against the British. The findings have been passed to the highest levels in the military."

Badass Americans Dress Down

The word is out that the US Military will always kick butt. The only way to hurt us is to ambush us. because if we expect it for more than a second, then the bad guys will be dead. Get them all!

Peacekeeping: Badass Americans Dress Down: "Thanks to the Internet, the word has gotten around that, no matter how U.S. troops are dressed, they are very badass. Even pro-terrorist propagandists no longer try to peddle the 'cowardly American soldier' line. It just doesn't play, because too many Iraqis and Afghans have gotten online and described personal experiences fighting alongside, or even against, U.S. troops, or just witnessing it. The general message is, you do not want to mess with the Americans in full battle-rattle."

Iran: Onward Christian Converts

This article raised a few points about things I already knew about Iran, but I did NOT know that Iranian Muslims are converting to Christianity in record numbers! That must really irritate the Islamofascists who run the country. I hope they lose their minds and their control of Iran. Amen.

Iran: Onward Christian Converts: "The government is increasing its efforts to censor what Iranians can access on the Internet. The banned sites tend to be those critical of the government, or pushing women's rights. Iranian Islamic radicals are very sensitive about anything touching on their control over women's lives. Another serious subject, which the Iranians like to keep quiet about, is the growing number of Iranian Moslems who convert to Christianity. Blocking Farsi language Christianity sites is a big deal. The odd thing is that Christianity was never really big in Iran. Iran's pre-Christian religion, Zoroastrianism, survived until it was largely replaced by Islam 1,400 years ago, after dominating the country for about 1,500 years. The government is also blocking Farsi language sites about Zoroastrianism, which is becoming more popular in Iran, apparently in response to the seemingly dreadful impact of Islam. Many Zoroastrianism customs survived the arrival of Islam, much to the chagrin of Moslem clerics. Efforts to stamp out these customs only makes them more popular."
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