Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Docs of War

Australia/Israel Review - The Docs of War: "According to Butt, people like Brown hope the problem of Islamic extremism will disappear if they repeat the mantra that Islam is a religion of peace and refuse to confront the “difficult and often complex truth that Islam can be interpreted as condoning violence against the unbeliever.”

Wars, he points out, cannot be won through denial, the psychological defence system by which people protect themselves from individuals or groups which are perceived to threaten or discomfort them. “Yet, in ways large and small, Western leaders and institutions deliberately avert their gaze from the reality of the Islamist threat.”

Gordon Brown is going through a period of not-so-subtle disengagement from the largely unqualified support for Washington that had been the default position of Tony Blair. Bending the knee to the Muslim community might be part of that process."

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