Sunday, August 26, 2007

Illegal jailed for TB denied having disease, officials say |

Bad enough these illegals running over the border, but the lack of sanitation among these people who lack civilization is disgusting! Try the whole family for importing a dangerous disease. Set an example. Scare any who want to arrive into doing it legally and with vaccinations. Bill the Mexican government for this kids health care. That might get them to help close this border. Since the US government does not even pretend to try anymore.

Teen jailed for TB denied having disease, officials say | "When doctors told Francisco Santos he had tuberculosis Friday, health officials said the Gwinnett County 17-year-old refused to believe it.

Then the wiry, dark-haired youth refused to submit to any treatment. Worse, he said he was walking out of the Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville and heading back to his home country of Mexico, officials said.

'I think he was scared,' said David Will, attorney for the Gwinnett County Board of Health. Gwinnett health officials found themselves in a bind. They had a person with a case of active, contagious tuberculosis, refusing treatment and threatening to carry the disease to a foreign country.

They also were aware of the recent incident involving Atlanta lawyer Andrew Speaker, who also has tuberculosis. After Speaker left for his wedding in Greece, a national news conference set off an international health scare.

In this case, the Gwinnett officials acted decisively: They put Santos in jail Friday evening, in a rare act of a government agency confining a sick person. Santos is the only inmate in a special medical isolation cell designed for inmates with contagious conditions. The cell, which measures about"

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