Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Vietnam Historians Give President Bush a Reason to Stay in Iraq

Ooops! The Leftists jumped all over the President for mentioning Vietnam and 'insulting' the Vietnam Veterans, which is the exclusive right of the Left. Unfortunately, he was not talking about the military! He was talking about the massive slaughter the North inflicted upon the South after the American politicians abandoned them to die. Thank you, Mr. President. F--- you, Leftists! - Vietnam Historians Give President Bush a Reason to Stay in Iraq - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum: "In 'Triumph Forsaken,' published last year, the historian Mark Moyar claimed that South Vietnam could have survived had the Americans not acquiesced in the overthrow of President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963, plunging the country into an “extended period of instability and weakness.”
Moyar is now working on a book about the second half of the war, in which he argues: “In the offensive of 1975, the North Vietnamese are moving around huge conventional forces that would have been pulverised by our air power.” By then, however, Hanoi was well aware that America was turning against the war and doubted that the U.S. military would be able to act decisively.
Supporters of the Iraq war have also been delving into Lewis Sorley’s book,'A Better War,' which was re-released in paperback this year. The war, Sorley wrote, “was being won on the ground even as it was being lost at the peace table and the U.S. Congress.”"

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