Thursday, August 30, 2007

Richard Nott Antrim - No Greater Love

This guy was a True Hero. His example of courage is almost impossible for anyone to live up to, but I am linking to it so that others might see it and be further inspired. Amen.

Richard Nott Antrim - No Greater Love: "'For meritorious conduct while a Japanese Prisoner-of-War. He was forced to take charge of a labor party and assigned the task of constructing slit trenches for bomb protection. Through self-effacing courage and sheer audacity of purpose, he caused to be constructed under the very eyes and alert surveillance of Japanese guards, a huge sign 'U.S.' This was done by rearranging the construction work of the slit trenches from the Japanese approved plan to one of his own devising, after causing the Japanese to concur in the changes suggested. The sign, if recognized by the Japanese, would have resulted in Antrim's immediate beheading, but Antrim's well-thought plan would result in Allied photographs indicating the occupants of the trenches and thus save hundreds of prisoners' lives.'"

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