Sunday, October 29, 2006

Deadly Hezbollah chess match - Commentary - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Deadly Hezbollah chess match - Commentary - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Here I am, looking for something light hearted to read before bed and I find this. What a great laugh! Mainly because of the deep anger it has brough to me.

Once again, Muslims are dying. Now it turns out that they were killed by Hezbollah using Israeli bombs. These peaceful, Allah loving murderous terrorists hid the rockets they used to attack the civilian population of Israel in the homes of unsuspecting Lebanese civilians. I wonder how many of these families were destroyed because of this loathesome tactic?

I wonder when the Religion of Peace will start denouncing tactics like these? Or will they? Will the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) denounce Hezbollah? They have been sending cash to the cold hearted murderers who planned this, will they finally stop supporting terrorists? Of course, since CAIR has yet to condemn the sick Australian Mufti Sheikh Taj Din Al Hilaly for supporting rape, how can they be expected to denounce something as harmless as putting missles next to the baby's crib?

I was asked recently if I hate Islam. Here is my answer, in a very public place so that anyone who wants to know can look it up: No. No more than I hate the Catholic Church before the Reformation. I think that the Catholic Church was misuseing the teaching of Jesus Christ back then and it was torn asunder. I think that the members of the Religion of Peace are responsible for the majority of the violent deaths in the world today. Therefore, the Religion of Peace is not true to itself. Do I hate them? No. It is more of a disgust that they are claiming to be brothers of these scum.

I pity anyone who is foolish enough to try to explain the differences between a moderate muslim and an extreme one. The muslims themselves have a hard time, so hard that I have not heard an explanation yet. I do know that the Koran is easily divided into sections. The first is very peaceful and friendly, the second starts to get violent, and the last section is bloody. The last section also includes many renunciations of things written at the beginning.

I am not going to go into a whole reading and explaination of the Koran right now. That could take a book, not a blog. Suffice it to say that, from my readings, the Koran shifts significantly in character as it goes. The only ones allowed power are the male religious leaders, while women are kept locked in the house much as slaves.

Enough ranting for today. I need to go watch something to cheer me up. Maybe the video tribute to 9/11. At least that is honest.

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