Thursday, August 16, 2007

Is it illegitimate to defend ourselves?

This is an excellent article examining the way to educate ourselves about Islam and the threat of the Islamists. It is past time that the secular leaders of the West started to learn this and learn from the past history of Islam as a peaceful practice. Notice that anyone who quotes the Koran back to the Islamists is now being sued by the Islamists. Lawfare is getting very dangerous to the laws of the West. Read this article and learn more about it.

Jihad Watch: Fitzgerald: Is it illegitimate to defend ourselves?: "No Infidels need any longer accept the word of tireless apologists as to what those texts say, or what their 'meaning' is, especially when we have all been treated to example after example of Tu-Quoque-and-Taqiyya, sometimes by omission, sometimes by deliberate misinterpretation for the limitlessly naive. Furthermore, we have the long historical record of Jihad-conquest, and the texts, written by Muslims themselves, on the subject of the necessity of Jihad, and the rules of Jihad -- here again, see Bostom's sourcebook, The Legacy of Jihad. We have 1350 years of such a record, and are entitled to study that record, from Spain in the west to what is present-day Indonesia in the east. We can study how non-Muslim populations slowly or quickly were reduced in size: what happened to the Copts of Egypt? What happened to the Jews and Armenians under Shah Abbas II in Iran? What happened to the Christians and Jews of the Arabian peninsula? What happened to the Christians of North Africa, where Tertullian and St. Augustine once lived? What happened to the Hindus of India under Muslim rule? Was it all wonderful, or is there reason to think that K. S. Lal and other Indian historians are right in their claim that between 60 and 70 million Hindus lost their lives? What was the historical record of Arab Muslims and slavery in Black Africa? Splendid? A tale of Muslim Wilberforces, long predating the English one? When was slavery formerly abolished in Arabia, and why? And is there any evidence of the continuance of slavery in Arab Muslim countries? And is there any evidence that Muslim scholars today have written about the continuing, indeed permanent, legitimacy of slavery, because it was recognized and accepted by Muhammad?"

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