Monday, October 01, 2007

Bush to UN: You’ve Neglected Your Mission, So America Will Lead

The despots who now rule the UN will ignore the US as long as they possibly can. That is why they hate the US, the US believes in freedom!

Bush to UN: You’ve Neglected Your Mission, So America Will Lead: "You didn’t hear much about it, but last Tuesday President Bush used the words of the United Nations’ own founding documents to damn that corrupt and ineffectual institution – while re-asserting his own global emphasis on democracy, free markets and the defeat of tyranny and terrorism.

It wasn’t hard to read between the lines and ascertain Bush’s ultimate point: The UN has failed to lead, so the United States is going to have to do it.

In a 21-minute address to the General Assembly, Bush essentially told the UN that it does some good things, but it is failing through corruption and neglect to tend to its primary mission, which is to ensure that people throughout the world have political freedom and an opportunity to better their own lives."

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