Thursday, November 29, 2007

NATO's new Afghan battleground: YouTube -

Amazing that the barbarians seem better equipped to fight the video propaganda war. NATO has always kept its operations secret and is going to have to be careful to keep its secrets from the enemies in this video war.

NATO's new Afghan battleground: YouTube - "NATO is acknowledging YouTube as its new battleground in the six-year war on Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, as the military alliance posts formerly secret surveillance and attack video. art.utube.afgn.ap.jpg Newly declassified video shows NATO forces destroying a truck in Afghanistan. The strategy aims to counter years of propaganda video posted on the Internet showing Taliban attacks on NATO forces which fighters use to claim that NATO's position in the Afghan war is deteriorating. 'The Taliban, who are literally cave-dwellers, are doing better than we are on a key battleground -- and that's video,' said NATO spokesman James Appathurai. 'They deploy with videographers. We don't. They have DVDs out in an hour, we don't.'"

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