Monday, April 07, 2008

Arab Commando Casualties in Afghanistan

It is wonderful to see that the Arabs are doing more than usually gets into the media. Keep on fighting the good fight guys! Not that most of you have a choice since you are facing death if the terrorists win.

Attrition: Arab Commando Casualties in Afghanistan: "These Arab counter-terrorists often get a crack at any Arab terrorists caught in Afghanistan, or Pakistan. The combination of interrogation skills, and cultural affinity, sometimes gets results where Western interrogators have failed.

There have been some casualties among the Arab commandos, who take part in combat operations. Those wounded or killed are referred to, if at all, as 'international troops.' The Arab operatives are eager to serve in Afghanistan, which is seen as the Big Leagues within the commando community. But there's also the self-interest angle. Many Arab counter-terrorist specialists are on al Qaedas hit list, and some of these men even have prices on their heads. So it's sometimes a question of getting the other guy, before he gets you."

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