Sunday, January 07, 2007

Barney Frank accuses US Government of Ethnic Cleansing

This is just stupid! Barney Frank, whose voice is a bit muffled in this video, is accusing President Bush of Ethnic Cleansing in New Orleans in an attempt to make the area safe for white Republicans. I guess that we should ignore all the black liberals, liberals of all shades, who run that area? How many billions have been poured into the city and vanished? Why is it that the liberals still run the city and constantly get into trouble? How is it that it is Bush's fault that the Democratic party, which has enslaved that city and state and race, is wasting billions of dollars instead of getting to the rebuilding?

The Big Problem that I see in the rebuilding is the horrible burden in paperwork and fees that people have reported. If the city of New Orleans is to return to its former glory, the pencil necked bureaucrats have to get out of the way! They need to allow hard working Americans to build buildings and open businesses. Will this bring back the slums and ghettos? NO! Yet that seems to be what the Democrats are trying to bring back. Too bad for the Democrats that the people who return are gangs and workers. And the gangs are chasing out the workers. This is NOT the American Dream. And is no way can the locals, and Barney Frank, honestly blame this on President Bush.

You are scum Senator Frank. Quit in disgrace. Now. This is supposed to be the most ethical congress ever. You disgust me. Here is the video. You decide.

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