Wednesday, June 20, 2007

When the anti-terrorism cop is Muslim - Los Angeles Times

While I understand the other cops worries, I think that it is a great thing that some Muslims are finally starting to be heard from to counter the jihadis. Hopefully, this guys bosses and coworkers are letting him know they appreciate him!

When the anti-terrorism cop is Muslim - Los Angeles Times: "Like the other detectives in his anti-terrorism unit, Mustafa wears a mask during raids.

He calls it 'the Spiderman thing.' The mask protects his identity and adds to the intimidating effect as he bursts through doors behind SWAT officers aiming laser-sighted weapons at suspects.

During interrogations, the mask comes off. The suspects stare at a young man much like themselves: a son of North African immigrants, an Arabic-speaker, a practicing Muslim. They react with surprise or hate — never indifference.

'I am the worst enemy for them,' Mustafa says. 'I speak their language. I know how they think. I have gotten a lot of threats. They say: 'You are worse than the Americans. The Americans are Christians. They are fighting their crusade. But you are a Muslim traitor.' ... One guy told me: 'If I could get hold of one of your guns and it only had one bullet, it would be for you.' '"

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