Friday, July 20, 2007

U.S. Cannot Withhold Classified Evidence from Court in Detainee Review Cases, Appeals Court Rules - Local News | News Articles | Nationa

Who is the idiot judge here? They want to force the military to reveal how they gather the information about the terrorists. Allowing liberal terrorist loving attorneys access to this information is the same as publishing it on the internet! Then the terrorists still skulking about the hinterlands will know how their murderous companions were caught and what to watch out for. Just take these scum and drop them into the ocean from 10,000 feet. Feed the sharks! Drop the lawyers too. - U.S. Cannot Withhold Classified Evidence from Court in Detainee Review Cases, Appeals Court Rules - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News: "When Guantanamo Bay detainees challenge their status as 'enemy combatants,' judges must review all the evidence, not just what the military chooses, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected the Bush administration's plan to limit what judges and the detainees' attorneys can review when considering whether the Combatant Status Review Tribunals acted appropriately.

'Counsel for a detainee has a 'need to know' the classified information relating to his client's case,' the appeals court ruled. 'The government may withhold from counsel, but not from the court, certain highly sensitive information.'

The appeals court decision is likely to be considered by the Supreme Court as it decides whether detainees should have greater access to U.S. civilian courts.

When detainees are brought before military CSRTs, they are not allowed to have lawyers with them and the Pentagon decides what evidence to put forward. Unlike in criminal trials, there is no obligation for the government to turn over evidence that the defendant might be innocent. If the military reviewers determine a prisoner is an enemy combatant, he can challenge that designation in the U.S. Circuit"

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