Sunday, October 14, 2007

Israel boycott illegal and cannot be implemented, UCU tells members

Notice that the boycott is designed for the safety of the members. It is NOT to punish the Israelis, but rather to placate the Muslims who love to kill things. I think the whole thing is starting to sound like they were just placating the Muslims with a motion that they knew would be overturned! How cynical and typical of the Leftists who run academia.

UCU - University and College Union - Israel boycott illegal and cannot be implemented, UCU tells members: "UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'Since congress our first priority has always been to keep the union, and its members, safe during what has been a very difficult time. I hope this decision will allow all to move forwards and focus on what is our primary objective, the representation of our members. 'I believe if we do this we may also, where possible, play a positive role in supporting Palestinian and Israeli educators and in promoting a just peace in the Middle East.'"

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