Sunday, October 14, 2007

London bomber twisted Belafonte's `Banana Boat' song to preach jihad to kids

Hey kids! Sing along and strap on this vest!

Imagine this in a Christian church? The Left would be all over it! Since it is in a mosque, I guess it is fine, however.

I wonder what Belafonte thinks of this? He has said that President Bush is evil incarnate and the the Religion of Peace needs to be respected, so this might be an authorized version.

London bomber twisted Belafonte's `Banana Boat' song to preach jihad to kids: ""Come Mr. Taliban, come give me Kalasnikov. Come Mr. Taliban, come bomb England... before the daylight come, you wanna see Ten Downing Street.

Come Mr. Taliban, come implement Shariah. Come Mr. Taliban, come bomb England before the daylight come, Insh'Allah, it will be done.

Hey Mr. Taliban, come kill the dirty kuffir, get rid of the haram, because we want halal.

Hey Mr. Taliban, boom, boom, boom, come bomb England before the daylight come. Insh'Allah, it will be done. "

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