Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's called 'jihad' for a reason

Millions of Muslims want to enslave or kill us but the pascifists want us to ignore it. I am glad I pay attention!

It's called 'jihad' for a reason - Op-Ed: "At the popular level, Salafization of the Muslim world does not require any abstract discussion. The most recent data is self-explanatory. In four ethnically and culturally diverse Islamic countries - Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan and Indonesia - WorldPublicOpinion.org (a website produced by the highly reputable Program on International Policy Attitudes and the University of Maryland's Center for International and Security Studies) reported the following trends in Muslim thought: on average, 79 percent of respondents think it is likely the United States is trying to weaken and divide Islam, 70 percent at least somewhat agree that Sharia law should be strictly applied in every Islamic country, 27 percent do not feel that groups using violence against civilians violate the principles of Islam (Pakistan not included), 70 percent support standing up to America and affirming the dignity of the Islamic people, and 64 percent believe that the U.S. intends to spread Christianity in their regions."

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