Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Central Ohioans Against Terrorism: Anisa Abd El Fattah backs Ron Paul and neo-Nazi STORMFRONT

Here is a cool site with a good message. The link here is to a long article that is now tying CAIR to Ron Paul and his Nazi friends. Not that there is any doubt about these freaks all being in bed together.

Freaks are all allowed to speak freely and to vote for whomever they legally can. That does not mean that they have to be allowed a voice in public where people are required to listen to them. Where is the nutcase chanell for these nuts to spout off on? Oh! CNN! Duh!

Central Ohioans Against Terrorism: Anisa Abd El Fattah backs Ron Paul and neo-Nazi STORMFRONT: "Sultan Knish informs us that our local HAMAS operative, former CAIR national board member and would-be Columbus Public School Board member Anisa Abd El Fattah/Caroline Keeble has a couple of recent posts on the 'Muslims for Ron Paul' Yahoo forum coming out in favor of presidential hopeful Ron Paul and wishing neo-Nazi website STORMFRONT the best of luck in their battle against ADL. How nice.

This is the same Anisa Abd El Fattah who spent this past weekend speaking at a conference for an Iranian government front group identified by former FBI Director Louis Freeh as a direct domestic terror threat.

But don't worry: the Columbus Dispatch still thinks she's a moderate.

In her first message, she encourages candidate Paul not to bow to outside pressure calling for him to return donations from neo-Nazi leaders:"

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