Wednesday, January 02, 2008

'Establish Islamic state'

They keep advocating for what Allah promised them, yet the Left refuses to believe it. Worse, they refuse to read the Koranic verses that the Islamists quote. The Left listens to the lies of the terror supporters about the Koran and Islam instead of learning for themselves. It is bad for the Christians and Jews, but the other religions get treated even worse by Islam. And most Leftists refuse to admit that there is a God, much less Allah. They blame it all on the West, but what will they do once the Muslims start to force them at gunpoint to pray five times a day?

We are going to be in big trouble soon if the world leaders do not figure out what to do about this threat. If the KKK or Nazis made public statements like this, the police would be all over them. Which is why they don't do it in groups this big. The Islamists need to learn this lesson. Soon.

'Establish Islamic state' - Israel News, Ynetnews: "At its conference in north London on Saturday, the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain, Jalaluddin Patel, said that the call for the establishment of a global Islamic state 'holds currency on the streets of Cairo, on the streets of Karachi... and on the streets of Tripoli. And indeed in almost every city in the Muslim world.'

'Brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, plans are being made east and west... for this Muslim world,' Patel declared.

'We from Hizb ut-Tahrir believe passionately that true liberation will come to the Muslim world when we dispense with these ruling elites and these western-inspired systems, and in their place we establish Islam through state and society,' he said, adding that 'Islam solves each and every problem that the Muslim world faces today.'"

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