Friday, January 11, 2008

Mexican soldiers found invading United States

We can have the Marines do some live fire practice on our borders before they travel over to secure the Iraqi borders. A win-win situation! If the Mexican army is dong the drug smuggling, how can we stop them short of open warfare? And why are we giving them the latest equipment to find our patrols? Something stinks here.

WorldNetDaily: Mexican soldiers found invading United States: "A federal document obtained and released by Judicial Watch reveals that there were dozens of armed incursions by Mexican soldiers and police into the United States during Fiscal Year 2007.

The report was obtained by the Washington-based organization that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and it documents 29 confirmed incidents along the U.S.-Mexican border involving Mexican military and/or law enforcement personnel during that time.

'These documents not only show the dangerous and chaotic situation at the Mexican border, but also the complicity of some Mexican government agents in violating U.S. law,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

'The U.S. government must begin to take these incidents more seriously, publicize them and take measures to bring the crisis at our border under control,' he said."

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