Friday, January 11, 2008

Ron Paul is a racist bigot in his own writing

You should go to this site and read the full text. I know I will refer to it when I deal with the Paulians. Sieg Paul! Heil Paul!

"Proof: Ron Paul Lied About Not Being the Author of the Newsletters
After quotes and copies from Ron Paul's newsletters appeared in The New Republic, Ron Paul once again trotted out the old tale that he had no idea the newsletters had any racist and crackpot conspiracy theory material in them and that a mysterious person had been responsible for writing racist things in them without him knowing about them.

Now let's look at the extracts from the newsletters that have been released, specifically let's look at December 1990, image files follow below.

The newsletter calls Martin Luther King a Communist pedophile, Ron Paul has countered that he has a great deal of respect for MLK. And then we scroll down the newsletter to discover the mysterious author of this newsletter at the very bottom as he writes;

My wife Carol and our children and grandchildren join me in wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. May we start to confound the plans of the Trilateralists and other big government types making America freer, and thus truer to her own heritage in 1991."


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Paul's explanation was less than honest. For that, I am disappointed. I'm not sure why he would felt the need to deny having said or written any of what's in those pamphlets. These are not the words of some brainless white supremest. What do see is a white man sincerely expressing what he perceives (regardless of whether the perception is right or wrong) to be the truth.

In fact, I needn't remind you that Bill Cosby said as much the same thing!

Belisarius said...

I kind of agree. Paul on the other hand just keeps sounding false and kooky. Even when I might agree with some of his statements. I just do not trust the guy.

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