Monday, July 23, 2007

Counter-Terrorism: Why Warriors Make Lousy Terrorists

Interesting look into why Afghanistan and Iraq are so different. I also like to see more about the problems of Al Qaeda! A good read.

Counter-Terrorism: Why Warriors Make Lousy Terrorists: "Al Qaeda has been on a downward spiral since September 11, 2001, and there's no general agreement on why this is. No attacks in North America, and the many thwarted plots there, revealed a lack of professionalism quite at odds which attacks in the 1990s, and up to September 11, 2001. The terrorist violence in Iraq, often attributed to al Qaeda, is largely the work of Saddams rather efficient security organizations. Those lads were not much good at fighting the U.S. armed forces, but they have, over three decades, become quite good at killing Iraqis, and terrorism in general.

The attacks in London and Madrid were local Moslems, and got a lot more ink than the much more numerous failed attacks in the same area. Then there's Afghanistan, where suicide bombings skyrocketed last year. But there was something odd about the suicide bombing attacks in Afghanistan; 43 percent of them only killed the bomber. This year, suicide bombing attacks, at about two a week, are up about twenty percent over last year. But the percentage of attacks in which only the bomber dies has remained the same."

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