Monday, July 23, 2007

NBC Weapons: Albania First To Be Chemical Free

Finally! The first country to disarm has! Now we just have to stop new weapons from being mixed up in the labs. How much longer until the rest of the weapons are destroyed? I hope it is soon!

NBC Weapons: Albania First To Be Chemical Free: "Albania became the first nation to destroy its entire chemical weapons inventory, under the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). This treaty has most nations possessing chemical weapons (including Russia, China and the United States) agreeing to destroy their stockpiles, and for the wealthier ones to help the poorer ones in that endeavor. Thus Greece, Italy, Switzerland and the United States all helped Albania destroy about 16 tons of mustard, lewisite, mustard/lewisite mixture, adamsite, and chloroacetophenone chemical weapons.

For nearly half a century, Albania was run by one of the most oppressive and paranoid communist dictatorships in the world. We're talking a North Korea class government here, that collapsed in 1991, along with the more liberal communist police states of Eastern Europe. Albania has always been one of the poorest nations in Europe, and thus was able to build a relatively small arsenal of chemical weapons."

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