Friday, July 27, 2007

WorldNetDaily: Border agent says China ordered his prosecution

The border control officers have less power than mall cops, with much more important jobs! How can they work if they get arrested for making arrests?

WorldNetDaily: Border agent says China ordered his prosecution: "A Border Patrol agent who was acquitted of a charge of using excessive force during a 2004 arrest of a Chinese national on suspicion of drug smuggling is suing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for $25 million.

And in a companion lawsuit, Robert Rhodes is seeking another $25 million from three Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents with the Office of Professional Responsibility.

He says the agents disregarded their oaths by pursuing a politically motivated prosecution against him to appease their superiors, who allegedly were seeking to do what communist China wanted.

'I was involved in a political prosecution that our government began at the demand of the government of communist China,' Rhodes told WND. 'The prosecution was promised to China by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge.'"

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