Wednesday, August 22, 2007

72 goat reward in paradise


In the Crosshairs » 72 goat reward in paradise: "The boys are 18-20 years old and former Northern Alliance soldiers for more than 6 years each. They had fought the Taliban and now were security for the NGOs. Sam spent almost his entire time in Kabul with these guys and in classic Special Forces fashion built rapport and pretty soon they were talking about everything. The subject of girls came up and the fellas told Sammy the best thing about the Taliban falling was girls, ‘cuz for the six years they were fighters they told him there were no women around. Sammy asked the indelicate but curiosity causing question of whether the older men took advantage of them in that way, and they were completely non-plussed and said Oh yeah, of course that always happens it is just the way things are.” Sam was a little surprised they were so open about it and then one of them said

“There is even a saying about it.
For Children- A Woman
For Pleasure- A Boy
For Ecstacy- A Goat”

Sammy made him repeat it and they all agreed that yes this was the saying. So when I substitute 72 goats for 72 virgins, I am not being a smart ass, I’m simply trying to comply with the wishes of the dearly departed"

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