Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rape spurs call to amend French law - Yahoo! News

There are so many problems with this story! Why is a gay pedophile getting only 2/3 of his sentence? Why is a gay guy who likes to rape little boys getting Viagra while in prison? What are the French going to do to keep these animals behind bars for longer?

Rape spurs call to amend French law - Yahoo! News: "French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Monday for a halt to early prison release for some pedophiles after a 5-year-old boy was allegedly raped by a repeat sex offender who had been prescribed Viagra while behind bars.

The boy was kidnapped from his home in the northern town of Roubaix on Wednesday and allegedly molested by convicted pedophile Francis Evrard. The 61-year-old, convicted three times, was released from prison in July.

Sarkozy, on his first day back from a two-week vacation in the United States, drew attention to the case Monday by hosting the boy's father and meeting with ministers about amending prison laws to prevent early release for some convicted pedophiles."

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