Monday, August 06, 2007

Gingrich says war on terror 'phony'

This article is an interesting look at the Bush Administration's failure to take the War on Terror seriously. A good read.

Gingrich says war on terror 'phony' | "'What I'm trying to start is a new dialogue that is evidence-based,' Gingrich said Thursday. 'It doesn't start from the right wing, it doesn't start from the left wing,' he said, but is an effort to get politicians and voters to 'look honestly at the evidence of what isn't working and tell us how to change it.'

Gingrich was interrupted with applause once, when he called for an end to the biting partisanship critics say has polarized national politics and paralyzed the workings of government.

'We have got to get past this partisan baloney, where I'm not allowed to say anything good about Hillary Clinton because 'I'm not a loyal Republican,' and she's not allowed to say anything good about me, or she's not a 'loyal' Democrat. What a stupid way to run a country.'"

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