Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Israel: Why Hamas Is Certain Of Success

I still think the best idea is to just work through Gaza and shoot anyone with Hamas ID, flags, clothing, or weapons. No one can get them all, but we can get enough to destroy the organization. Get all the destruction done in one sweep and that should finish this.

Israel: Why Hamas Is Certain Of Success: "Why Hamas Is Certain Of Success
April 30, 2008: Hamas has expressed interest in a ceasefire, of six months or more. Hamas explained this by referring to the Koran, where early in the history of Islam, it was common to use such truces to build up your military strength, before resuming the war, and winning. In Gaza, Hamas has imposed restrictions on indoor public gatherings, in an effort to prevent rival Fatah from undertaking political action of any sort.

Rocket and mortar attacks into southern Israel continue, with one or two dozen rockets or shells a day being fired. Hamas apparently has no interest in making peace with Israel. Hamas internal propaganda continues to call for the destruction of Israel, and points out that the support from Iran would make that possible once Hamas was able to find a way to import large quantities of weapons and other material from Iran. Hizbollah in Lebanon is the model Hamas uses for this. Hamas believes it cannot lose and that time, and God, are on its side."

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