Thursday, May 01, 2008

Ten North Koreans possibly killed in Syria air strike

Good, I hope this slows down the Iranians and North Koreans with their programs. Or maybe someone will get the hint and blow up the Iranian and North Korean plants.

DEBKAfile - Ten North Koreans possibly killed in Syria air strike - Tokyo: "Ten North Koreans may have been killed in an Israeli air strike on Syria in September, NHK-the Japanese Broadcasting Corp. reported on its Web site, citing unidentified South Korean intelligence officials.

The 10 people, whose remains were cremated and returned to North Korea in October, had been helping with the construction of a nuclear reactor in Syria, the Japanese broadcaster said. Some North Koreans probably survived the air attack.

The US last week released undated photos showing the head of the North Korean reactor fuel plant with the head of the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission in Syria and the same official attending the Six-Party Talks.

Thursday night, the White House in Washington broke its silence on Israel’s Sept. 6, 2007 attack on a nuclear site in northern Syria. Spokeswoman Dana Perino stated its conviction that North Korea helped Syria build a secret nuclear reactor. She spoke after intelligence officials briefed US lawmakers about the Syrian nuclear facility that was destroyed by Israel last year

Perino's statement did not mention Israel. It said Syria was building a 'covert nuclear reactor' in its eastern desert that was capable of producing plutonium.

That development underscored the international community was right to be concerned about the nuclear activities of Iran and 'must take further steps" to confront that challenge, she said. "

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