Monday, May 19, 2008

Israel as a Commonwealth? Why?

I was asked a question in the comments by a guy who seems to fear the Israelis. It has taken me a week to respond, so I thought I should post his questions and my answers on the front page.
St Michael Traveler said...

Think Outside of Israeli Lobby Box

We have had 60 years of experimenting about the Israeli- Palestinian struggle. The region would need help before we will be dragged into a World War III.

No one can reject the fact that creation of Israel on the land of Arabic nations has created tremendous political and economical problems for the United States. We may have to look outside of the box to diffuse the problems. One solution would be for Israel joining us as a member of the Unites States’ Common Wealth.

Would Israel consider joining us as a member of the Unites States’ Common Wealth?
What are costs and benefits for US?

We are already supporting Israel economically, politically and by sharing intelligence and military hardware. In addition, some Israeli Americans with both Israeli and American citizenships serve in the Israeli Armed Forces. Israel never would have to be fearful of any other nation; our great American Armed Forces will protect the common wealth as they would the homeland.

Would it be politically more advantages for the United States to manage the Jewish state as a member of our Common Wealth?

Would it be economically more advantages for Israeli people to be a member of our nation?

The Israeli Common Wealth will be free to exercise the religious freedom that our great nation would offer without being isolated among the hostile Arabs.

Should the Common Wealth include the Arabs who were forced to leave the land when Zionist invaded the land?

Should the area of the Common Wealth include all of the Palestinian Land?

Would really two nation model for Palestinian and Israeli work in the future?

Should we be looking at the region as a Federal States with one government elected by all of the people?

We have been forced into one box by the Israeli Lobby; we need to look outside of this box. What do you think?

Sorry it took a little while to respond. Life keeps me busy sometimes and it is hard to write in depth.

-Making Israel a part of the US as a commonwealth state would not help anyone that I can think of. Since the Muslims and Arabs already hate Israel and the US I do not think making this hate focus onto one entity would be a good thing. Besides, the Jews moved to Israel to have their own land that they can not be chased off of.

-That covers the political and economic questions, too.

- I do not understand what you are saying about the religious freedoms. Israel is based on Judaism, but allows all faiths to be practiced. They have many Christians and Muslims in their territory who are allowed full rights as Israeli citizens.

-Your history is messed up. The Zionists started to return to the land because of the rising Jew-bashing in Europe and the Middle East. For some silly reason the Jews hated being beaten for their faith and decided that it might be time to return to the Promised Land. As they returned, they bought land from the Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, and farmed it. They bought tracts of desert and swamps, or what ever the Arabs would sell. Look at Tel Aviv, which was worthless before the Jews bought it to create the first city for Jews that was not going to be subject to pogroms.
Then the Arabs noticed that the Jews were arriving in ever increasing numbers. The Ottoman Empire fell and the new politics of the area led to the Muslims needing a scape goat for their issues, so they blamed the Jews, just as the Europeans did. Notice that Hitler and the Muslims formed an alliance that kept the Muslims from joining the Allies and sent many units to help fight for the Axis. The Koran says that the Muslims can not trust the Jews who are all liars and thieves who are hated by Allah. The Nazis still are revered in the Arab world for their attempted genocide of the Jews. Some versions of the Koran have the Swastika on them for a reason.
After the Jews helped the British to win WWII, they were promised a homeland. The Europeans wanted to get rid of these people and so the UN was glad to find them a home. Since the Jews had been fleeing to Judea for half a century, and the pace had risen significantly during the 1930s and '40s, the Jews demanded the right to return to the homeland that God had chased them off of centuries before. The Arabs now tried to make it illegal to sell land to Jews or to have Jews for neighbors. Which is also in line with Koranic teachings. The Arabs started to kill Jews for sport and to terrorize them off the lands that they had already bought. Meanwhile, the Jews took the swamps and deserts and converted them into lush gardens and farms. Now the Arabs claimed that the worthless land they had sold before had been forced or tricked by the evil Jews.
The Muslim clerics denounced the Jews and ordered their followers to slaughter them. They did not form armies, yet, but used raiders to enter Jewish villages and kill anyone they could find. They even brought in families to take land and ensure that Muslim land was inhabited so that the British would know who held the previously barren regions. The British needed oil, so they remained neutral on the side of the Muslims. The British Army, with years of combat experience in Europe and Africa, now worked on keeping the Jews disarmed and helpless so that the Arabs would not feel threatened. Jews around the world saw the plight of their coreligionists and sent money, food, arms and other aid, which the British intercepted and kept most of so that the Arabs would see that the power of the Empire was allied with them.
Jews freed from Concentration Camps were trying to get to the Promised Land and freedom. The British kept them out. Finally, the Jews asked the UN to acknowledge them as a legitimate country. The UN votes to separate Israel from the Trans-Jordan and put a King in as the head of Jordan while the Jews get to form their own country and government.
The Arabs are so full of hate at losing this sliver of worthless land, that they immediately form multiple armies to invade the new nation. Fighting had already been happening because of bounties that rich Muslims put on the lives of Jews. To prepare for the invasion, the Arabs ordered their people to get out of the way so that anyone left behind could be slaughtered. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem even bragged about the size of the upcoming slaughter and told how bloody it would be. However, when the Arab armies invaded, they found that every Jewish village was armed and defended. The years of raids had taught the Jews much about defense and the Arab armies were getting badly beaten. The Jews ended up taking some of the emptied Arab villages so that the Arabs could not use them to conduct further raids against the Jewish settlers. Thousands of innocent farmers and families died at the hands of the attacking Muslims. Thousands of armed and trained Muslims died trying to kill those farmers.
In 1967, the Muslims tried again with better training. This time, the Jews won and then counter-invaded. They took the West Bank from the invading Jordanians and Gaza from the invading Egyptians. Notice that neither country has asked for those lands back. Both countries have used force to keep the people from entering their parent countries. The Jordanians have even used artillery and tanks to force the refugees that tried to get out of the areas the Jews controlled.
These refugees were not fleeing the brutality of the Jews. They had been forced to move into the Trans-Jordan by the Muslim leaders by the promise of land, loot and slaves. They now found themselves on the losing end and feared the legitimate reprisals of the settlers who they had been trying to slaughter. Of course they ran! Their masters in the Muslim countries had failed to slaughter the Jews as promised and those Jews were now trying to take land so that the next, inevitable, invasion came, they would be safe.
That war continues today. Your twisted history of who invaded whom in that area needs some correction. The invasions were Muslims who forced fellow Muslims out of the way so that Jews could be slaughtered.
That means that the Muslim refugees should have been integrated into Muslim countries decades ago. Why do the Israelis and US give so much more to those displaced Muslims than their Muslim brothers?
- If you want to include all "Palestinian" land in your Commonwealth, can you tell where Palestine was? Who was the political leader? What was the currency? How was it formed?
- The only reason that the so-called Two State Solution has not worked is the the Muslims in the region refuse to settle for anything short of the extermination of the Jews, as called for in all the political/religious speeches/literature in the area.
- What are you talking about? "looking at the region as a Federal States with one government elected by all of the people?" Huh?
- I am not sure why you are worried about the Israeli Lobby. I am more worried about why people fear Israel. Why should they? If the Arabs stopped attacking, then the Jews would settle down and return to farming and business. If the Jews laid down their arms, they would be dead in hours.

I think you need to worry less about the Israelis lying to you and more about who is lying about the Israelis.

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