Thursday, May 08, 2008

Michael J. Totten: The Military Situation in Beirut

Totten Always has the best insight into the Middle East. His friends help alot with that. Go read him and his links. We all need better insight into what is happening on the street over there so that we don't make bad guesses and back the wrong side with the wrong force.

Michael J. Totten: The Military Situation in Beirut: "Fighting in Beirut has broken out between Hezbollah/Amal and Future Movement supporters. Here's a brief look at the military situation. For a political reading, see the post by Lee Smith below, and make sure to read the excellent quoted op-ed by Michael Young.

The tactics are reminiscent of the 1970s-80s war, with two essential differences: 1- the trigger is not the Palestinian guerrilla threat to the state, but Hezbollah's threat to Lebanon, and 2- the beginning fault line is to the west of the 1975 flash point.

The current areas of clashes is roughly along a crescent from Hamra and the vicinity of the Serail in the north down to Tariq el-Jdideh in the south, and the vicinity of Qoreitem (Hariri's residence) and Ain el-Tineh (Berri's residence) in the west to Ras el-Nabe' in the east."

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