Wednesday, January 23, 2008

EU adviser renews criticism of terrorism sanctions

What needs to be done is to just publish the methods used to catch the terrorists in the act so that they know how to get away with things. If we stopped trying to hide this information from them, they would not keep suing to get it. This would help end the burden of so many lawsuits and free up time for the nice judges.

I hope these terrorists all burn in the afterlife.

News | Africa - "Critics have long challenged the fairness of the U.N. terrorism blacklist, saying it subjects individuals to harsh penalties -- freezing their assets and preventing them from travelling -- without giving them a court hearing or disclosing the evidence against them.

In response, the U.N. Sanctions Committee has implemented some reforms aimed at making it easier for people to get their names removed if they have been wrongfully blacklisted.

In December 2006, another EU court annulled the bloc's decision to put an Iranian resistance group, the People's Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI), on a separate blacklist, ruling it had not given the group a fair hearing or adequate reasons."

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