Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Beirut Media dance

The Sandmonkey has a good look at all the Middle Eastern Media following the fighting in Lebanon. Some of it interesting, some insightful, some funny as heck! Go read the rest of this long story.

Rantings of a Sandmonkey » The Beirut Media dance: "So we are finally there. Finally, after 3 years of pussyfooting, it's here. Oh boy, where do I begin?

Well, now that the gloves are off, we have become aware of 3 very important facts:

1) Hezbollah has lost its mind and decided to turn their weapons against the lebanese population.

2) Amal and the SSNP have vicious militias that are doing the work that Hezbollah doesn't want to be associated with.

3) The Sunni militia is a bunch of pansies, and Saad Al Harriri could never be his father.

I have been following the sataelite channels for the past 3 days, glued to my TV, watching what's going on with serious disbelief. I never thought that the Sunni neighborhoods would fall this quickly, nor that Hezbollah would control Beirut this easily. But here we are, and it all seems so…deliberate."

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