Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Korea: Death Before Disarming

I can't imagine having a leader who demands to be worshiped while he forces his people to starve. Is there a way to help the people revolt? Or would the CIA get in more trouble for something like that?

Korea: Death Before Disarming: "Death Before Disarming

May 12, 2008: The price of rice in North Korean markets has more than doubled in the last six months. At the same time, the government has cut back on food it provides to government employees. This has forced the military to dip into their war reserves of rice to feed the troops, the families of career soldiers and workers at weapons factories. Elsewhere in the country, farmers are now selling food scraps and other material that was previously fed to farm animals. Few can afford meat, so the famers make more money selling the scraps for human consumption. The situation is very similar to the one in the mid-1990s, which preceded a famine that killed about ten percent of the population and stunted the growth of a generation of children. The famine could be prevented if the North Korean government asked for foreign food aid, but it won't do that because it is engaged in negotiations over the agreement to halt the North Korean nuclear weapons program. North Korea refuses to allow the degree of verification the foreign aid donor nations (South Korea, U.S., Russia, Japan and China) are demanding. All suspect that North Korea is trying to get the food and fuel aid, while continuing its nuclear weapons program in secret. North Korea has also released an archive of 18,000 pages of documents regarding its nuclear program, insisting that all this paper would clear up any misunderstandings. It's doubtful, and it will take weeks to go through all these documents. "

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