Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bush sees talks with Ahmadinejad as "appeasement"

Bravo! Bush finally gets a set of stones about something. About time.

I know the hippies and Leftists want Iran to have nukes to supply to terrorists along with missiles, bombs, guns, mines, etc... But Lefties and hippies are, in general, too stupid to walk and smoke a joint at the same time. They want the US disarmed, but the terrorists heavily armed. What brilliance. So brilliant that they should be buried in the dump with the other trash.

Bush sees talks with Ahmadinejad as "appeasement" - Yahoo! News: "Though Bush did not name names, Obama quickly issued a blistering response accusing the president of launching a 'false political attack.'

But the White House denied Bush was referring to the Illinois senator when, drawing parallels to the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, he denounced those he said had urged him to talk to 'terrorists and radicals.'

Bush's rebuff to his critics also followed a Middle East visit by former President Jimmy Carter, who met Hamas leaders shunned by Israel and Washington and urged efforts to draw the militant group into the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Bush used his speech to the Israeli Knesset to ratchet up his rhetoric against Iran, saying Washington stood by the Jewish state in opposing Tehran's 'nuclear weapons ambitions.'"

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