Sunday, May 11, 2008

Khalid Yasin, internationally-renowned Islamic hate sheikh and 9/11-denier, speaking in Dayton on May 16th

How do these serious terrorist preaching scumbags get invited to speak, or even live, in America? Someone must send this idiot to a country that he might like, say, Yemen.

Central Ohioans Against Terrorism: Khalid Yasin, internationally-renowned Islamic hate sheikh and 9/11-denier, speaking in Dayton on May 16th: "Khalid Yasin is one of the most notorious Islamic hate sheikhs in the world today. He had been widely condemned from the US to Britain to Australia for his virulent Wahhabism, his extreme anti-Americanism (despite the fact that he is an American-born convert), his justification of Islamic terrorism, his wild-eyed conspiracy theories, and his outright racial and religious bigotry. And an Australian news investigation found that Yasin had claimed academic degrees that the schools had no record of, and also discovered that he had engaged in outright fraud in building his international Islamic media empire.

So it is troubling to see that Khalid Yasin will be lecturing at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio on May 16th, sponsored by Dayton’s Masjid-at-Taqwa:"

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