Sunday, July 20, 2008

Para Hero Slams Treatment Of Frontline Troops

The military knows that they have a job to do, and they are more than willing to do it and make the world a better place.

Colonel Tootal, take the Liberal jerks on and I pray that you can win. They control the government and will try to paint you as a bloodthirsty maniac who loves to slaughter little kids for fun. They will try to make you look like the Taliban and the Taliban look like you and your troops.

You beat the terrorists and thugs who wanted to kill you and your men. Now you have a worse and more insidious enemy - the Liberals. I will pray for you, sir.

MoD News - Para Hero Slams Treatment Of Frontline Troops: "A highly decorated commander who led British troops in Afghanistan has strongly criticised defence officials and the government for poor treatment of frontline soldiers and for being 'stuck in a Cold War mentality' that has denied troops in the field key equipment.

In his first public statement since leaving the army last week, Lt Colonel Stuart Tootal, who led 3rd battalion of the Parachute regiment in Afghanistan in 2006, said he had been deeply shocked by how 'our wounded soldiers were not being looked after'.

'All the guys I fought with were really motivated and really professional and the least a grateful nation owes them is the right gear and the right support,' he told The Observer

Tootal, who received the Distinguished Service Order for his role in Afghanistan, agreed that conditions for injured soldiers were much improved but said that wounded servicemen being on mixed NHS wards with civilians remained 'unacceptable' and that, though changes proposed by the government's Command Paper on service personnel welfare announced last week were a 'welcome positive step', they were 'late in the day'.

The senior officer's resignation after 20 years in the army caused consternation among defence chiefs when news leaked last year. Last month another senior soldier who served in Afghanistan, Brigadier Ed Butler, a former SAS commander, left the army amid reports of frustration with equipment shortages and budget cuts. "

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