Monday, April 02, 2007

PAKISTAN Imam to government: enforce Sharia law within seven days or we will do it ourselves - Asia News

Things are advancing fast in the world of Islam! The West has refused to face them down and they are now ready to take over the world. I know the US, UK and Australia are ready to face them down if it gets bad enough, but even then it will still cost millions of lives. I will miss Europe though.

PAKISTAN Imam to government: enforce Sharia law within seven days or we will do it ourselves - Asia News: "Imam to government: enforce Sharia law within seven days or we will do it ourselves
The director of the Jamia HafsaMadrassah, who along with students attacked and then forced the closure of a brothel in Islamabad, clarifies: it is not a request it is an ultimatum.

Islamabad (AsiaNews/Dt) – It i san ultimatum not a request: if within a week Sharia law is not enforced throughout the country than true Muslims “will islamify society on their own”. Maulana Abdul Aziz, Imam of the Lal Masjid Mosque and director of Jamia Hafsa Madrassah has said.

Speaking after Friday prayers to thousands of faithful, Aziz clarified: “If the government ignores our requests than we will have to enforce them ourselves”. The man then asked for the closure of “all brothels and gaming houses as soon as possible”, also adding in this case that “that aim may only be achieved thanks to the help of the Madrassah students”.

The Imam’s threats must not be ignored, because just days ago female students from the Madrassah directed by Aziz attacked a suspected brothel taking the women who lived within the house hostage.

Sources say that the Madrassah religious leaders are preparing a ..." (Click link to read the rest)

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