Thursday, February 07, 2008

Adding Up to Failure by Jay P. Greene, Catherine Shock, City Journal Winter 2008

Americans are making themselves dumber and dumber. Math is almost banned in the US education system to make room for all the Politically Correct Multicultural tripe that gets passed off as humanitarian and logical. But it is NOT!

Multiculturalism deals with feelings of guilt and pity for all the poor nations around. Why should I feel guilty for being born in the best nation on earth instead of some suck hole? This is not the way to make things equal between peoples. There will never be complete equality. It is impossible to achieve. To use some crazy Communist examples - Were Marx and the Czar equal? Were Stalin and the peasants equal? Nope! Even when they claimed to be? Nope!

Life is unfair. If you think otherwise just look at the crazies who live down the street. Any street. Life is unfair!

Prove that life is equal before you make society equal. Force the earth to be equal. Good luck!

Adding Up to Failure by Jay P. Greene, Catherine Shock, City Journal Winter 2008: "Ensuring quality math instruction is no minor matter. The Programme for International Student Assessment’s latest results paint a bleak picture: U.S. 15-year-olds ranked 24th out of 30 industrial countries in math literacy, tying Spain and surpassing only Greece, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, and Turkey, while trailing Iceland, Hungary, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and all of our major economic competitors in Europe and Asia.

The issue isn’t whether we should be teaching cultural awareness in education colleges or in public schools; it’s about priorities. Besides, our students probably have great appreciation already for students from other cultures—who’re cleaning their clocks in math skills, and will do so economically, too, if we don’t wise up."

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