Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A deafening silence that betrays our values - Telegraph

A voice that believes in traditional values? Maybe they will have to be silenced for not toeing the socialist/multicultural line.

A deafening silence that betrays our values - Telegraph: "People who come from cultures where coercive behaviour towards women is the norm should be made to realise that it will not be tolerated in this country.

And yet what do we actually get from the Government? So far, a failure to tackle cultures that endorse the brutal oppression of women. As we also report today, the Government has just taken the dismally retrograde step of recognising polygamy: men with more than one wife will be able to claim benefits for each additional spouse. How this can be squared with the Government's rhetoric of commitment to women's rights is beyond us: it is a quite clear incitement to the humiliating and blatantly unjust practice of allowing men, but only men, to take more than one spouse.

'The issues are so sensitive that nobody has been prepared to talk about them,' says Shahien Taj, director of an organisation dedicated to trying to free women from the oppression of cultures which endorse their coercion. She laments the detrimental effect that silence has on her work. The Government has a duty to talk about the issues, and to do something about them. In failing to do so, it betrays our most fundamental values - and thousands of women in Britain."

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