Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Study alleges 'honour killings' conspiracy

Islam is Peace and Islam respects women. Honest!

Study alleges 'honour killings' conspiracy - Telegraph: "Following the murder of Banaz Mahmod, a Kurdish woman who had pleaded with police to protect her against her family in south London, Mr Afzal said that 'substantial numbers of the community actually did not assist and support prosecutors. Instead they supported the family members who were responsible for the killing'.

He said: 'In some northern towns there are real horror stories - from places like Blackburn where people say that you might as well be in rural Kashmir for all the way that women are seen and treated.'

One woman every month is the victim of an 'honour' killing, the CPS says.

'This has been a silent and invisible practice for too long,' says Shahien Taj, the director of the Henna Foundation, a women's group based in Cardiff."

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