Friday, February 08, 2008

Chronic pain seen altering how brain works - Yahoo! News

Just an interesting item. Thought provoking.

Chronic pain seen altering how brain works - Yahoo! News: "Brain scans of people in chronic pain show a state of constant activity in areas that should be at rest, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday, a finding that could help explain why pain patients have higher rates of depression, anxiety and other disorders.

They said chronic pain seems to alter the way people process information that is unrelated to pain.

'It seems that enduring pain for a long time affects brain function in response to even minimally demanding attention tasks completely unrelated to pain,' the researchers wrote in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Dante Chialvo, a researcher at Northwestern University in Chicago who worked on the study, said: 'People with chronic pain -- meaning pain that lasts more than six months after their injury -- have many other issues that affect their quality of life as much as pain. It is not known where they come from.'"

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